> How will climate change affect the IT industry?

How will climate change affect the IT industry?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Also, if you could provide a source then that would be great; if not then that's ok.

One way the IT industry can respond to the perceived problem is to reduce the power consumption of its products.

For instance, Hewlett Packard has introduced a new line of servers that are claimed to use 89% less power than previous equivalents. This will allow data centres to be much smaller than previously and also, electricity bills will be greatly reduced.

It will make it bigger. No, smaller. No, the same.

Wait, I'll have to review that study.

They will need more computers to hype the bogus theory.

Probably not much. When low lying land floods, they can just move up hill.

I guess not only IT industry, but all other industries that uses greenhouse gases, bring pollutants to air and some others. Since these are just some of the great factors of climate change. People or industries must try to apply/practice applying lesser of these to help prevent our environment. We can start recycling or doing proper waste disposal at home, this is just a simple way to contribute to the betterment of our environment. A good read here though; just in case you might them.

The IT industry will have to become more efficient to release less greenhouse gasses and develop new ways of cooling that are more environmentally friendly

Also, if you could provide a source then that would be great; if not then that's ok.