> Why should I care about climate change?

Why should I care about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming. Look them over.

Do you want your food to get more expensive, as insects and mold destroy crops?

Do you want your tax dollars going to deal with the aftermath of the next Katrina or Sandy, or into infrastructure to prevent it? (storm surges are more of an issue than sea level rise, in the short term)

Do you want millions, possibly billions of people to die of insect-carried diseases like malaria?

And, well, anyone who's actually paying attention knows that we don't need to reduce auto use significantly, and reduce production significantly, we just have to do these things a little more *intelligently*. Fuel our factories (including power plants) with bio-sourced natural gas, which we could capture in part from our cattle farms. Build wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, tidal, and biomass power plants, or in some cases adapt existing ones (for example, a coal plant can also burn wood, with minor changes). Use electric cars, or ones fueled by biodiesel, or simply vastly more efficient ones (if you're getting 50 mpg, you can drive a lot further on the same gas than if you're getting 10 mpg). *We can do these things*, and likely at far, far lower costs than adapting to the damage if we do nothing.

I think humans are screwed. Just sayin. people just keep bangin and spittin out kids and population is rising constantly, but the land doesn't increase. You see where I'm getting at? I hear people saying oh it's just one new human on this planet and that's what everyone says and it all adds up. Oh and also the stupid 15 year old kids having babies and stuff like that which also ADDS UP. What has the world come to?.... The human race is out of control to be honest.... Just when things can get worse, a big nasty comet comes smashing into earth and we're done. :P but I'm not worried about the climate change. I'm worried about human population, which contributes to climate change I believe since there's more vehicles and more air pollutants rising. More everything....It's a mess....

Enforce Population Control!!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Reduce auto use? No. http://www.nissanusa.com/electric-cars/l...

Reduce beef consumption? Sure thought it is not at the forefront as human emitted methane has a miniscule effect when compared to human emitted CO2.

You seem to have left out the major one: Change coal fired power plants to alternative energy source, None of these will lead to a great depression if done right. You seem to be taking the extreme and arguing against that. Of course, I am sure, that many of the people in here will, once again, argue the idea that the world economy will bankrupt if we go green.

You are an idiot and an a** hole. You will starve to death or be murdered because of land turning to desert and oceans warming and acidifying and not supporting sea life. There will be no food and massive civil unrest by people being displaced. Maybe you need to learn to care about things that affect society and nature. Do you think you will be able to sit comfortably and play on your computer if you can't find food and half the global population is out on the streets and starving. All of the endangered species will have already been eaten.

Every person in the world must care for this dangerous problem that would happen in the world because if we don't pay attention for this problem all of the human beings are going to die.

Explanation: In our daily life many of industries,and transportation system are releasing carbon dioxide and other gas that traps sunlight radiation in earth blocking sunlight radiation from getting back to space and this will increase temperature in the earth. Imagine if the temperature in the earth increases until it melts all of the freezing ice in Antarctica what will happen? Sea level will increase and it will cover every continent by water and their will be no place for human beings to settle in it and we are all are to die.

So please every person have to concentrate for this problem because really this could extinct human beings.

Personally I'm apathetic, but I fully believe in AGW.

We are fortunate that we've lived in the sweet spot of history... life just hasn't been any better (overall) at any time in human history.

If I had or intended to have kids I might be more 'in your face' about changing things.

Your kids, grandkids, etc. are going to be seriously pissed at us for leaving them a turd.

You know, all you have to care about are the future generations of your family and the quality of life they may have.

Reduce your carbon footprint...If you don't know how search "reducing carbon footprint" with the quotes you can do the same by substituting ecological for carbon in your search

[[ ? Copyright R Micheal Smith {Protect the Planet, So it can continue to Protect us}]. Nice huh if you use this Phrase be sure to use quotation marks. It is my original. Think me silly but I am including a copyright statement which once published to the web is a legal state of ownership

Oh wow. you don't deserve to breath the air.

Because its gan affect you. Just because you dont worry about doesnt mean its not happening. Its to your own benafit to know about it

I don't care if you care.

I agree it's real I just don't really care. Spare me the bologna about it being "the end of the human race" we made it through an Ice age with stone tools I think we'll be ok. In order to "stop" or rather slow down global warming we'd have to cut down beef consumption significantly, reduce auto use significantly and reduce production significantly Aka a major global depression where every country's GDP drops enormously. The costs of doing nothing? We lose some costal cities but its not like its going to be some massive Tsunami we'll simply adapt gradually . Oh btw I don't give one iota about endangered species 99% of species that ever existed are dead we didn't kill them all! So convince me why should I care