> A minute long paragrah on global warming?

A minute long paragrah on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
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Read Fast: Somebody is smoking too much ditch weed. We have normal climate cycles that repeat every 100,000 years, we are emerging from a recent ice age on a normal temperature/Co2 upswing, goto Malkovich Earth Orbit Cycles and Tschumi and Stauffer Ice Core studies. That's the REAL story. These cycles have been consistent for the past 6 million years, Gore carefully tailored his fraud to cover only the past 10,000 years, while on our normal temperature Co2 upswing. See Tschumi and Stauffer global temperature and atmospheric Co2 charts. The picture becomes pine blank clear. The preponderance of scientific opinion (and most real evidence) places man's responsibility for atmospheric temperature and Co2 increases at less than 3%, but the limp wrist leg wetting liberals want to apply their knee jerk reduction to even that..."We just must do SOMETHING, you know?"

It is a fact that if world wide petroleum use is reduced 10% the immediate reduction in world agriculture would mean the starvation of millions. The Liberals just want knee jerk action at any cost, they have a hard time thinking ahead, they have a hard time thinking at all truth be known.

Punch up Malkovich Earth Orbit Cycles and Tschumi and Stauffer Vostok ice core climate studies for the real story on our current naturaly occuring climate change. Man made "Global Warming" is a liberal myth to instill fear, establish tighter political control, and increase tax revenue to support their Socialist handouts..

Based on its long-term orbit, Earth should be heading into an ice age. But instead of continuing to cool―as it had been for at least the past 2,000 years―the Arctic has started to warm. And the reason is humans' impact on the composition of the atmosphere, new research suggests.

To look at this trend, geologist Darrell Kaufman of Northern Arizona University and a consortium of colleagues reconstructed Arctic temperatures decade by decade over the past two millennia by pulling sediment cores from the bottoms of 14 Arctic lakes―backed up by records in tree rings and ice cores.

In warm summers, relatively more sediment is deposited thanks to more meltwater from the glaciers that create these lakes, and the abundance of algae in the sediment layers reveals the length of growing seasons. So, these sediment cores provide a picture of the climate that goes back millennia.

Some believe its a major problem for mankind, yet many don't, whilst others are using the threat of Global warming to hide the portmanteau of grudges they hold against the Western world, promoting the idea that the undeveloped world can do whatever it likes , but the West must saddle itself with significant costs meaning its fine in their eyes for China, India and others to build Coal fired plant yet wring for the Western world to build carbon capture coal plant, but one thign yu can be sure of Al Gore has made an absolute fortune from promoting the global warming idea and then selling 'carbon credits' for his corporate profit

@ Mark J "portmanteau" its pretentious you deliberately use words other people dont understand

its buffoonery to use words that you dont understand

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