> Is it over for global warming enthusiasts?

Is it over for global warming enthusiasts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what's funny is Deniers are unimportant.

i once wrote a Climate Scientist and this was part of his reply;

" I wouldn't worry over this too much; Yahoo Answers is pretty notoriously bad for actually answering questions. :) "

learn about the real 'conspiracy'

It’s very telling that there’s be no real change in temperatures for the last fifteen or so years. Can you imagine how much colder it would be were it not for the underlying warming trend.

Given the strong cooling influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation since September 1998 together with the cooling influence of enhanced aerosol and particulate matter in the atmosphere and the very slight decline in total solar irradiance, we should have seen very pronounced cooling. Global warming has cancelled out all of these cooling forces (and others besides).

The PDO has an approx 30 year cycle which means that at any time in the next few years it will switch from negative to positive, when that happens the warming really will kick off.

For the record, I’m a climate scientist and also claim a “lack of warming”. But importantly, I know why there’s been a lack of warming, and it’s most definitely not because global warming has stopped.

C - "There has been no pause or stop of GW That is just another BS denier lie"

Even the IPCC and Phil Jones at MET acknowledged the fact that there has been no warming since 1998. Why are the AGW cultists in a panic concocting excuses for the pause. Excuses such as China's massive pollution is blocking out the sun to the oceans are sucking up all the missing heat.

A denier calling everyone else a denier. Talk about the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

When you said there is a 'lack of global warming', you failed to qualify that assertion. So allow me to do it for you.

What you actually meant was:

"Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now. This assertion is based on less than 10% of the total data collected for surface temperature measurements and completely ignores the data collected for the oceans, which account for almost 75% of the earth's surface area. I have cherry-picked this small section of data because it provides the graph that I wanted and fits with the conclusion I wanted it to support. I have failed to realise that, if I select a small set of data points from a curved or linear graph, either rising or falling, it will appear virtually flat due to the limited variation over a small sampling period. Furthermore, I have failed to understand that trends in data can only become apparent when the change due to the trend exceeds the noise in the data. Scientists usually solve this problem by ensuring that they take account of all data captured to a point in time, and ensure that they analyse that data using a period long enough to average over the noise. By declaring that there has been a lack of global warming now, rather than waiting to see if my conclusion is correct, I will look an almighty fool if data collected in the future shows a rise starting from the point at which I believe there is a pause. Such a scenario will call into question my ability to analyse data and hence my opinion on the science of anthropogenic global warming'.

No it will never be over for them. Global warming will always be just around the corner for them. Heed their call. Now, perhaps they should reconsider whether to claim global warming is everything, when natural forces have canceled it out over 1/6 of a century. Perhaps they should give more validity to natural forces, and loer their estimates of future warming.

Going by the IPCC way of measurement there has been no significant rise in 17yrs 6 months, it is not going into the oceans as sea level rise has decelerated since 2005, it would expand if heat was going in to it.Trevor mentions the PDO being in negative mode, but he doesn't mention it was in positive mode when we had the big rise between1976 and 1998, the ups and downs in temperature have been mainly natural, and CO2 has had very little effect.

January 2014 was worldwide the fourth warmest January ever recorded.

it's unfortunate you don't know jack about AGW

There has been no pause or stop of GW That is just another BS denier lie

Pity no science support your views

Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now. This is known to the warming establishment, as one can see from the 2009 "Climategate" email of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth:

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."

But the warming is only missing if one believes computer models where so-called feedbacks involving water vapor and clouds greatly amplify the small effect of CO2.