> Why get rid of coal power?

Why get rid of coal power?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The war on coal is purely political and has nothing to do with the environment. Indeed the CO2 enriched environment of the past several decades has been a great benefit. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

The enemies of America are now in charge of America, sad but true.

The attack is not just on coal, it's on energy in general. Obama really hates America and is in fact doing all in his power to bring us to our knees.

Obama is pushing food stamps and welfare because that is how Democrats buy votes. It's wealth redistribution. Democrats say to people, sit on your butt and we Democrats will feed you, cloth you, provide your housing and medical needs and we will just take the money from anyone that has it. About half the nation is on some kind of government pay-out. It's the key to the Democrats power.

Destruction of Americas energy base is just about weakening America further. But it also puts money into the pockets of the Left with their various Green schemes.

Coal is not the problem, Democrats are the problem.


Nor does CO2 drive warming, that is a Climat-Cult myth.

Watch these, you will be glad you did.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle


A friend of mine in UK is a Physics major that was employed by a Company to test the feasibility of decarbonising coal burning in power stations.

Against all the odds, they found a unique solution that was 98% effective and extremely cost-efficient.

Did they win a Nobel prize? Was it splashed all over the Front-Page news?

Was it shiny...

They buried it and shut down the project.

He was required to sign a NDA in order to keep his job.

This whole Global Warming, Carbon Taxing scam is a political fixation designed to help establish a new order of Control that will strip away nation statehood in favour of a Global hierarchy that will absolutely NOT be democratic...

I do not agree. We DO NOT need coal. Many of us are sick of our tax dollars paying to clean up coals mess. The coal industry costs the American public over 300 billion dollars each year, according to a recent Harvard study. Whether global warming is real or not (I agree with the overwhelming majority of scientists that it is very real), the coal industry still emits much more than greenhouse gases, including over 40 tons of mercury annually, plus lead, arsenic, and many other poisons that enter our air, water, food and bodies. These emissions cause death and illness, tens of thousands of American citizens get lung disease, have heart attacks, newborns get nerve damage, all from coal emissions that could be prevented. On top of it, the coal industry gets billions in tax subsidies, and often tax dollars pay to clean up their many spills and messes. And then we have the over 500 mountains they have blown away, mountains that belong to all of us. What do you think future generations will think? And the million acres of forest they have devastated, or the thousands of miles of rivers and streams they have buried or polluted, all while replacing miners with machines, as they trash communities and leave them to clean up when the coal is all gone. It makes no sense, not economically, morally, not in any way. Look at the numbers, look at the cost we all pay and the very few that profit. Do you really think its justified to make everyone breathe in air that makes them ill or drink water contaminated with industry pollution they could clean up if they placed people over profits? There are many viable alternatives to coal, including wind and solar. These industries have found success, created jobs (wind already employs as many as coal), created tax revenues, we get over half our power from wind already. And they do not get a fraction of the corporate welfare coal gets, and no one gets sick or dies from it. Clean coal does not exist. Look at the data, its easy to find. Who will pay for the mess that just happened in W VA because of the coal industry? How many people will get sick because of it, now and later? What does that cost? And remove the tax subsidies coal gets, and make them clean up their own messes instead of passing the costs to the public, then see how many jobs they make or what coal costs. Its ridiculous to deny climate change because of the weather in one place in one year. Why do you think the scientific consensus says climate change is real and we are causing it? And as I said, that is just one part of a huge problem.

This is the same plan they used with the ozone hole. First, fool everyone. Second, ban the production of the cheap freon (refrigerants). Tax the cheap refrigerant and artificially raise the price so that the "new refrigerants" became lower in cost. The market eventually went to the "lower cost alternative"

Now, they want "green energy". First, AGW or global cooling, is sold to the masses (whatever lie they can get to stick). Now the push for banning. Green energy is more expensive than coal. See the similarity?

"The Government don't create jobs the private sector does."

Juist because you hear something OBVIOUSLY absurd repeasted over and over asgain does not make it true.

" Coal is the key part to their state economy thing will get a lot worse if coal is removed nationally."

Killing people was a key part of the German economy at one time.

Coal is the dirtiest way to produce electric power. Yet, the environmentals would rather protest against nuclear power. West Virginia is one of the least populous states. We can hope that global warming is not as bad as some people say, but, contrary to what denialists and some of the more conservative "warmers" say, we can not prove it. The former rely on far fetched conspiracy theories and the latter rely on unproven computer models.

Global warming is happening and we are causing it. Claims that it has stopped are lies and that not every year is warmer than the last is because natural cyclical factors, like the Sun and ENSO also effect climate. Only anti-science deniers claim that it must be only one factor.

across the entire nation, 119,000 Americans were employed by the solar industry in 2012, versus only 87,500 by the coal mining industry.

the coal industry is not paying for the $100Billion in weather damages

Obama (our employee, by the way) is harping on coal and ultimately all other forms of fossil fuel because he has fallen for the lies of his handlers, as well as a number of mouthy, so-called "scientists" and activists.

Bottom line: 'It's all about revenue opportunity' He and his handlers know that coal will not go away, but anything that uses coal will be taxed....of course those taxes are passed along to the consumer.....but millionaires like Obama and his puppeteers won't even notice.

Obama would have been fired long ago had he been CEO of a corporation.....he may be a nice guy to go have a beer with but he simply does not have what it takes to be our top government employee. He hasn't learned to check things out himself and has no idea whatsoever how the economy and finances work. Had he been more attentive in school and been forced to actually perform for his grades, we might be in better shape.

Going after fossil fuels in the way of carbon taxes is simply a way to avoid trimming down his fat, overfed bureaucracy.

He and his hippy-liberal followers need the revenue to avoid having to get REAL jobs that actually produce something.....in the private sector where actual results are expected. They just can't seem to pull themselves off of the government/Taxpayer's tit.

We're talking about a real-life 'Failure to Launch'!!!

Becazuse the US has enough cola to provide power and fuel to our nation for at least 300 years. We can't have that. Our standard of living is already too high. Just ask a liberal.

You get rid of coal power so you can burn Eucalyptus.

From whence does this come?

From locations that were formerly virgin rain forests.

You chop down the forest, plant Eucalyptus, cut that down, transport it, after energy intensive rying, and burn it.



People in West Virginia main economy is coal power a lot of people will lose their jobs... the Government say they create jobs, but so far they didn't keep up with their promises. More people is on food stamps that is not good the Government is trying to force people on food stamps.

The Government don't create jobs the private sector does. The Global warming doesn't exist because of the areas are colder in the winter than they were last year some people say it's global cooling, I don't believe that either. Coal is the key part to their state economy thing will get a lot worse if coal is removed nationally.

Coal Power is important and so far the alternatives has failed, bankrupt, and lose a lot of investments people need to choose what they'll invest in and not be told to what to invest in.

And again this doesn't violate any rules.

So Obama can raise energy prices. He has already stated that, and on microphone.