> Global climate?

Global climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what is the impact on global climate of increasing chemical weathering over thousands year time scales?

If I understand you are basically speaking of acid rain.We have seen the effect of that in real time.Fish were dying from the contaminated rain mostly in or near Canada.They raised a fuss and that problem seems to have been arrested.But all this will come back and bite us with dirty water contaminated foods in the field and respiratory and skin problems will increase.Oh I have made an error.Your talking long range.Science tells me that man will not even come close to that time on earth.If not the severe weather,droughts a meteor,what ever the odds are against us being around long term.We will go the way of the prehistoric world and other life may form or the planet may just become another rock floating in the universe.

It might be too hard to predict the real effect on it but it could possibly result to have a more severe and/or abnormal weather conditions due to the acids or chemicals produced/contributed to our environment or atmosphere. To do our share of protecting (at the very least) our environment, as much as possible, let's try to dispose these chemical wastes properly. If we can't do this rightfully on our own, we can always ask the experts. Just my two cents.

You do realize that those are actually separate issues although there will undoubtedly be some influence from global warming upon chemical weathering.

Due to various chemical reaction and producing of unwanted reaction climate get occur which get change in climate.

pretty much at the rate were going, the world should warm up dramatically. Were releasing too much co2 into the atmosphere,and it could have major climate change if we do not act now.

Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in temperature , humidity ... of factors; recent warming is discussed in global warming . ...

generally, it means removal of CO2 from the atmosphere into rocks/carbonates- so a cooling effect


EDIT: you did ask effect ON climate. Why do most answer are about effect OF climate on weathering?

Too much or too little of anything isn't good. If it kills, then it's not good. If we defend what is good, and it causes the other to not exist anymore, then what wasn't good takes itself out by it's own means.

what is the impact on global climate of increasing chemical weathering over thousands year time scales?