> Global Warming Deniers, If you have one bucket that contains 2 gallons and another bucket that contains 7 gallons, how m

Global Warming Deniers, If you have one bucket that contains 2 gallons and another bucket that contains 7 gallons, how m

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


But, with global warming, how much water will those buckets still contain?

Will the water heat up and expand so there'll be 3 gallons and 10 gallons?

Will the buckets heat up and expand, and be less full?

(We could, of course, ask about what happens if they cool, but this is the global warming category, so we're not allowed to talk about cooling.)

Will the bucket's consciousness expand such that they will refuse to keep the water separated from it's natural environment?

If the 2 buckets work together, will they be able to screw in a light bulb?

Are they liberal or conservative buckets?

And how does that effect their ability to hold water?

Two many questions.

Did those buckets belong to Henry and Eliza?

Have they been plugged up?

With what?

If one leaks, will the other be able to contain the spillage?

AND finally, how would you use them to get exactly 3 gallons of water?

Assuming that their capacities were exactly 2 and 7 gallons.

That's two buckets, containing 9 gallons total.

Alarmist would claim that we had two. They see two buckets, and their leftist media claim there is only two buckets, but they didn't know about my other buckets that I keep in my back yard. Alarmists always believe they know everything but they always seem to miss the obvious.

Note: I would put Palin's legs and looks next to Hillary's any day or God forbid Pelosi's. Sara Palin is way better looking than 95% of democrat politicians and that is being generous. It is probably more like 99%. Making fun of her legs is pretty juvenile don't you think? If I am wrong about it being Palin's legs you can hopefully forgive me. I just assumed you were an ultra leftist.

Lol! Pretty tough to deny what's going on these days. Maybe people will really wake up when we have another Hurricane Sandy a few years from now. If you want to help fight global warming, check out citizensclimatelobby.org.

I suppose two buckets slightly smaller in total size than a 10 Gallon Hat. But that would lead us to Rick Perry, not Sarah Palin's legs, wouldn't it?

I beleive in global warming, and that would be 9 buckets, an

I think that Obama should make a law so that no one can make any carbon any more, an that would stop the global warming. For the children.

Well if you had those two buckets, we know what they would be filled with. Don't drink out of the one you got out from under your bed.

....does Al Gore own now that he has become rich off of the global warming scare.


3 of course one is missing but we know it has to be there.

I dunno. What does WUWT and Fox news say?

And here are some more words, so this answer does not get hidden.

I thought brief was concise and efficient.

about this much

dont confuse them