> 500 GW of coal plants will be built in the next 25 years. In the last 20 years, 830 million people gained access to coal

500 GW of coal plants will be built in the next 25 years. In the last 20 years, 830 million people gained access to coal

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Are you happy with how coal has improved people's standard of living, or do you wish to take it away?

Yes I wish we could have a new coal fired power station here in Palawan and reduce the number of blackouts we get, but that will not happen as now the World bank will not now lend for coal fired power stations anymore, perhaps the Chinese will.

I prefer solar, hydro and nuclear power. That way we can improve people's standards of living without wrecking the planet that they call home

Modern coal plants have to meet strict emissions standards they so employ technology to produce clean electricity and provide jobs.

those same people will pay with lung problems and climarte disruption.

Are you happy with how coal has improved people's standard of living, or do you wish to take it away?