> Now that Climate Alarmism has been exposed as the "biggest fraud in science",?

Now that Climate Alarmism has been exposed as the "biggest fraud in science",?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What will the next "Cause Industry" be?


Nah expose the truth, will not make people listen, they still accept what they are told by politicians and media, along comes a severe cold winter and they begin to doubt, and so the politicians and media step up the alarmism and put the blame on climate change and the people settle down again, they are so easily duped.

Being an astroNUT does not make someone a rocket scientist, and certainly not a climatologist. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


I would hope (but not expect) that people will use their intelligence to see through the hype and realize that the false global warming hype does not mean that the global warming problem is also fake. It is not. Just because our climate science is not up to the task of exactly predicting the details of the changes is no reason to believe the unprecedentedly sudden CO2 increase will have no effect at all. Only a fool would believe it cannot have any effect.

An Apollo astronaut is also searching for Noahs Ark, so even the smartest people can be stupid. Since denialist plumb the depths of stupidity how can we trust anything you say. Since you are a total MORON

Haven't you been listening, deniers made up all the alarmist crap or took it out of context, or it will happen in the "future" or that alarmist isn't part of the main stream, or just because it sounds stupid doesn't mean it's stupid because your not a scientist or the source can't be trusted or ....

Timeline of human origins revised: New synthesis of research links changing environment with Homo's evolutionary adaptability


July 3, 2014




Many traits unique to humans were long thought to have originated in the genus Homo between 2.4 and 1.8 million years ago in Africa. Although scientists have recognized these characteristics for decades, they are reconsidering the true evolutionary factors that drove them::::::::::::::::


The first premise of your "question" is false, so it pretty much negates the idea of there being a "next."

It's rather pathetic that you base your false question on the ravings of an old guy that hasn't done any science in 50 years, and was not involved in the field of climate even back then.

From your link :

" ... "If we go back to the warmist hypothesis - not a theory, but, a hypothesis - they've been saying from the very beginning that carbon dioxide levels are abnormally high, that higher levels of carbon dioxide are bad for humans, and they thought warmer temperatures are bad for our world, and they thought we were able to override natural forces to control the earth's temperature. So, as I've looked into those, that's the problem that I've found, because I didn't find any of those to be correct - and, they certainly were not a theory, it was just their guess at what they wanted to see in the data they were looking at." ... "

Anyone who believes otherwise is a "climate clown" IMHO!

Depends on what alternate universe you prefer. Sorry, agw is real and Romney really lost to Obama

This fraud has been around for awhile and has deep fossil fuel industry pockets supporting it.

What will the next "Cause Industry" be?


I'm sure that no one ever wanted to copy your answers during a school exam.