> Did Barack Obama cause global warming?

Did Barack Obama cause global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

No, global warming has been around long before Obama was born.

Science has known about it for 200 years although it wasn’t until 1893 that the mechanics were properly understood.

Some people don’t like the idea that global warming is happening, rather than accept it they look for an excuse to dismiss it. As a result some people have claimed that global warming was invented by Obama/

Others people claim it wasn’t Obama but former US Vice President Al Gore, some say it was invented by Margaret Thatcher (former UK Prime Minister), others claim it was invented by the communists or the nazis or the Illuminati or the Club of Rome or the liberals or the Vatican or even aliens.

In short, pretend it was invented and pin the blame on some random person or organisation, anything to avoid accepting responsibility for being part of the problem.

NO. An ALIEN Organism cause Global Warming, but we Humans turned it off 11/28/2012. Ice is still accumulating on earth today. Mike

Obama did it alright. Just like how Paul Muad'dib made it rain on Arrakis.

Because He IS the Kwisatz Haderach

Single-handedly, no. Not even close.

Did he contribute? Somewhat, as did virtually every citizen of a developed nation, as well as many of the citizens of semi-developed nations such as India and China, and even some from largely undeveloped nations. It's a big problem, and a lot of people contributed to it.

President Barak Obama cannot even get a decent golf score, let alone do something as powerful as GW. So the answer is no.



How dumb can you get? He could be responsible WWI Get busy researchimg

of course not! why would you even ask a stupid question like that?!
