> How come the fed. govt. is so worried about Global Warming and not water contamination?

How come the fed. govt. is so worried about Global Warming and not water contamination?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because we have a clown for a President and a politically motivated EPA

The immediate effects of melting polar ice regardless of whether you want to believe that the ice at both poles and glacial retreat is happening at faster than predicted rates, the affects of rapidly rising sea level may not affect you if you live a couple hundred feet above sea level, but to people who do live close to sea level, it's life or death reality for them even if they don't register in your circles of interest.

Since deniers are convinced that they have thoroughly poisoned rational debate by pillorying generic climate terms, lets ignore the more common pejorative climate terms twisted out of context to suit a simplistic agenda and focus on things that even deniers can't deny forever.

Clean drinking water depends on replenishing underground aquifers and having consistent weather patterns that local municipalities can use to determine water disbursing patterns and whether or not water rationing is necessary.

Constantly change weather patterns until drought conditions are no longer cyclical, but a direct result of an interruption to the ocean current flow that regulates the planet's weather and seasonal extremes until El Nino is no longer a cyclical pattern like it was during the 90's, it used to happen ever 4-6 years, I've yet to see an El Nino within the last 12 years, I'm no expert, but something abnormal has interrupted the cycle of El Nino and climate denialism has not been able to explain what is happening, all denialism does is pretend that nothing abnormal is happening without giving a clear rational for our current abnormal weather patterns.

Clean water is important, no doubt, but what is likely to threaten a large segment of the world's population sooner, loss of safe drinking water or vanishing land susceptible to sea level rise.

A lot of people already have contaminated water poisoned by environmental sabotage perpetrated by corporate vandalism, but if one decides to deny science and focus on a problem that's already been exacerbated by corporate environmental malfeasance, then I can see how it's easier to focus on a problem that none of us can do anything about, but denying that burning fossil fuels is somehow benign and has zero affect on climate is pure corporate profit sponsored reverse chicken little syndrome.

Global warming isn't hoax. The people who keep telling you that are liars. Instead of just believing paid liars, you should read what climate scientists are and have been saying. And compare that to reality, not to lies.

Who is it you think is getting rich from global warming? The people starving in the horn of Africa? Filipinos?

Yes, very low levels of dangerous things are allowed in drinking water. And yes it would be better to not have any contamination of our drinking water. The same corporations are responsible for ALL forms of environmental devastation -- why don't you pressure them to stop destroying the environment for a quick trillion bucks?

Frankly, I don't think your theory holds water. We are spending billions to protect the water supply. If you are in the environmental industry, then you would know that we have to decide how much we want to spend to reduce pollutants. There is no way to remove it all and some of it is natural. Benzene naturally attenuates (e.g it oxidizes or gets eaten by bacteria) so it isn't typically detected in most water supplies.

If you’re concerned about water quality then contact a suitably accredited testing facility and ask for a sampling kit. Return the samples to the test facility and ask for the full suite testing. The results will tell you exactly what’s in the water.

If there are contaminants or harmful agents in the water supply then it needs addressing and maybe you should divert your energies to doing something about it.

Put in perspective, the dangers of global warming far outweigh those of very low level water contamination.

Water pollution used to be a huge problem in the U.S.--rivers used to catch on fire. Then we did something about it with the clean water act.

People like you want to stop us from doing something about global warming. I'm sure if you were around in the 60s and 70s you would have told us there is nothing wrong with rivers catching on fire.

maybe you should contact your congressman.

..The House is scheduled on Thursday to vote on a package of three Republican-led bills that would ease regulations governing cleanup of hazardous waste sites and weaken the Environmental Protection Agency

BTW, Water is local, not global.

You are spamming the forum again with useless posts

Global warming is more bogyman like. You can scare more people about something they know nothing about.

Being in the environmental industry and actually privy to what is in the water systems, many cancer causing agents the federal government allows at low levels, why aren't they spending their billions to combat this instead of a hoax like global warming?

Cancer has skyrocketed and my theory based on cancer causing agents ALLOWED by the govt in groundwater are to blame. Yet these GW freaks want you to believe the global warming is the real threat?? Yes the federal gov't allows contaminants such as Benzene at very low levels in your drinking water, nonetheless it has been proven to cause cancer. But I don't hear anything from them on it, makes you wonder who is getting rich off of global warming doesn't it.