> Why have the 10 warmest years on record occurred since 1997?

Why have the 10 warmest years on record occurred since 1997?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because the planet has been warming for centuries, and at this point it is warmer than points in the past. However, the amount of warming since 1998 has been very low, less than a tenth of a degree. Meanwhile some climate models and climate scientists are predicting ten times as much warming as has been observed.

Think about it: The temperature could stay the exact same as has been seen in 2014 for the next 60 years and the talking point will be that the last 75years are the warmest on record. But shouldn't the argument at that point be that global warming has stopped?

They tried to get rid of the littlest ice age , it dragged the average down . This Hottest year 2014 is all made up.

Did they delete the mild Summer of the midwest and the long winter?

Actually I disagree. I still think 1998 was the hottest year if you believe RSS satellite measurments, which I do.

Temperatures tend to cycle up and down, over long periods, we in the top of an up period and I think eventually the temperatures will start to fall.

Remember this is recent recorded history, in the past there have been many periods when it was warmer than now.

"The hottest year on record was 2014,"----(in summer)

"Yet 2013 was one of the coldest years in US History."---(in winter)

This are the evidence of weather became more dynamic....that is extreme weather or climate change as a result of global warming.

Have you taken into account that history was rewritten to help achieve that by making the years between 1930 and 1960 colder and later ones hotter.

Why? Because of global warming caused by increasing greenhouse gases in the air, especially CO2. I thought EVERYBODY knew this. Even people who don't believe it know that is the reason always given by scientists.

Yet 2013 was one of the coldest years in US History. Why did you not state that? Exactly! You have an agenda that is based on deception.


Climate change......that occurs like clockwork over the centuries.............Ice ages come, and then they recede.......and then they come again.......something like a 13,000 year cycle, based on the earth's wobble thru space. We are at the tail end of the last ice age RECEDING, which means it's getting warmer.

Mostly because they have "corrected" all of the recent temp records up, WHILE "correcting" all of the earlier temp records down. Amazing what a little data manipulation can do. Wonder if they "corrected" the temps up 100 degrees, we would all die.

When you continually cool the past to exaggerate the present, pretty soon, you reach a point where the present is warmer.

The hottest year on record was 2014, taking the top spot from 2010. In fact the 10 hottest years on record all occurred in the last 18 years.



Because Global Climate change is a "socialist fairytale" "to make money", and the New York times is a Communist Liberal propaganda-thing owned by "da jews and the illuminati"

I don't do links, but I presume you pushing the "man-made" hypothesis. As a man yourself, what are you, personally, doing to minimize your contribution to the problem?

It's not the Sun.


It's not PDO


It's us


Cos duuuuh planet is warming

Would you have known if you had not been told? Don't believe everything.
