> Any experts on the global warming hoax?

Any experts on the global warming hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here are the experts.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

"I'm doing a research project for school over the global warming hoax. One of my assignments is to interview someone who knows a lot about the topic"

Global warming has been debunked by a German scientific institution, the Josef Goebbels Institute. They say that global warming is a Zionist plot by a guy named Al Goreberg.

The lamestream media will not cover this, but Fox News' science reporter Sarah Palin has verified there claims.

There are two parts to this:

(1) is there global warming

(2) what is its cause, natural or man-made

There is an additional factor to consider: time-scale. The earth is billions years old, so looking at data that cover 200 years is not all that good for a convincing argument.

Rather than an interview, you might look at a book by Senator James Inhofe: “The Greatest Hoax”. A critical review of his book is given in the reference below:

How can someone be an expert on something that doesn't exist. The global warming hoax is a fever dream of denialist fantasists

In a roundabout way, the snarky answers here about "conspiracy theory based sites or sites that are funded by oil companies" do no more than undermine the side that promotes the idea of man-caused global warming. These are the types who run from science debate, while offering nothing more helpful than "don't listen to denier crooks". Al Gore being the most famous of the bunch, pointing to accusations about skeptic scientists being on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry that's no better than the conspiracy theory coming from 911 Truthers.

The most famous of skeptic scientists are accessible by members of the general public. I know firsthand, my own email address list reads like a "who's who" of internationally famous skeptics. Make the effort to find publically available addresses, and you will find various experts to interview.

I'd recommend not labeling this a a "hoax", though, that's much too simplistic. I do recommend that you view all sides of the issue without passion or prejudice. Watch "An Inconvenient Truth" or other such presentations made by global warming promoters. But then compare those to skeptic presentations like “The Boy Who Cried Warming” http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/boy-who-c... and “Apocalypse? No!” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPtC5K8wc... . By all means, check out web sites like http://realclimate.org/ but then have a look at such skeptic sites like http://www.drroyspencer.com/ . Rummage through what's seen at the IPCC ( http://www.ipcc.ch/ ), then have a look at the NIPCC ( http://climatechangereconsidered.org/ccr... )

The kicker will be the manner in which one side treats the other side. No need to trust me on this, you find it out for yourself: skeptics are more than glad to have a full examination of all involved in this issue, while the IPCC / Al Gore side will do everything in their power to discourage you from giving a minute's consideration to the skeptic side.

Ask yourself if that does not suggest the PCC / Al Gore side is less than fully confident that the core science conclusions they push are able to stand on their own merits.

I will take a guess that this is a "troll".

That argument would be blown away in any classroom, and your best bet would be to find conspiracy theory based sites or sites that are funded by oil companies, as they would be the only to suggest it is a hoax.

You will find credible scientists arguing the extent of anthropogenic influences, and the changes occuring, but not credible scientist would label it a hoax (and if you find any references to one that does I would dismiss it, as even a graduate scientists wouldn't be stupid enough to use that terminology).

I guess you are not a scientist since 95% of scientists are predicting global warming. Perhaps it's because scientists have no faith and the faithful have no reason.

What hoax? The claim that it is not happening?

"there is no shortage of experts on FOX news." You forgot the sarcasm tag as Fox News climate coverage is wrong 93% of the time.

Paul's Alias 2’s Sarah Palin suggestion is good. You might focus your search on people who flunked out of college like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity –- deranged conspiracy freaks are reliable sources, as well.

Don’t waste your time with any major scientific organization or research facility because they will all just say that AGW is real. Most of them are probably also too polite to call you an idiot. But, I’m not – idiot.

I'm doing a research project for school over the global warming hoax. One of my assignments is to interview someone who knows a lot about the topic. If there is anyone that I could email, or anyone who knows someone that I could interview, it would be a great help. Thanks a lot!

I guess you are not a scientist since 95% of scientists are predicting global warming. Perhaps it's because scientists have no faith and the faithful have no reason.

Try here: http://ossfoundation.us/projects/environ...

Contact jbast@heartland.org

there is no shortage of experts on FOX news. Start there.