> Do you think Obama will approve the Keystone pipeline?

Do you think Obama will approve the Keystone pipeline?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Obama has shown time and time again that he is in favour of the corporations. Unfortunately money talks in politics and I have little doubt he will approve it quite soon.

Do you think Obama will approve the Keystone pipeline? Yes. It is already being build, there is just an issue over the route.

if he does it will be the end of the world according to high priest I'm a complete nutcase James Hansen and his bald brother Bill I'm an even bigger idiot McKitten

no I dont think so

Yes, I predict he will approve it. He may crying when he does it but it would be insane not to.

Obama does everything for politics IMO. His only experience prior to becoming president was as Community Organizer (fancy term for a Marxist instigator) and Senator where he didn't do much either but campaign. He is the campaigner in chief. Personally, I think he is an Alinskiite and as is attempting to instill his mark in history by transforming the hated US into something kinder and gentler like Greece or maybe Bangladesh. He is largely succeeding. Approving the pipeline would be easy and is a no brainer. It is supported by 70%. He has little to loose politically. Democrats would look less radical. Still, it would be a move to the center when he has been sprinting to left field. It would be the smart move to approve it so I am guessing he won't.

He seems to be between a rock and a hard place. On one side is creating jobs in tough economic times, on the other are alarmists telling him that it will ruin the environment if he approves it.


What do you think his decision will be?