> How do I become a real boy?

How do I become a real boy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All I want is to become a real boy >:((

Hocus pocus shloobidy daby doo ~ *waves wand*

There, I just used my 'real boy' spell on you so you're now a real boy. Oh and you might want to change your name from Samantha lol

Lol why do you want to become a boy :'D

You should stop coloring your hair,men don't do that .

I don't think so.

Ask jiminy cricket .

sorry don't mean to make fun but you should know how to do it

Stop worrying

End body hate

Don't tell a lie ; )

To become a real boy you better get a sex change operation, if you're a girl.

How do I become a real boy?

she-male is fine as well. You just need to be more positive about yourself.

All I want is to become a real boy >:((

No such thing as a 'real boy', Unless you mean a sex change. Then go get that surgery.

help people that need help do what has to be done

wish apon a star! *****

If you're a male you are a boy. If you're a girl you need an operation.

Do what boys do. Fart, and workout. But, I don't think it's necessary to go have a sex change.

Talk to Geppetto

Don't worry about it, she-male is fine as well. You just need to be more positive about yourself.

Staple a paper penis to your groin and run around farting with your pants down.

wear makeup cx

First stop global warming.

you should stop coloring your hair,men don't do that .



The Become A Real Boy trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all media.