> Is this the final nail for global warming cultists?

Is this the final nail for global warming cultists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming as a political issue is already dead and buried. China, India, Russia, Australia, Japan, and Canada have no intention of making meaningful reductions in their CO2 output. Europe is finding that switching away from fossil fuels destroys their remaining heavy industry and are backing away. Many in the U.S. have figured this out as well.

Let the self proclaimed experts fight over the science. Global warming is dead. How's that treaty to replace Kyoto coming along?

The links posted in a link in an earlier question have the data - straight from NASA GISS.



Note how one has 1934(?) warmer that 2000 and the other has 2000 warmer.

The graphs below are from my archive but I think they have similar data to the ones in the links.

You are citing from Steven Goddard, who doesn't know what he is talking about. He used temperatures rather than anomalies, which would be fine only if the composition of the station network was static -- and it is not static. His data is all messed because he is comparing stations of different locations and elevations. Then he didn't do any gridding, he just averaged all the locations together without considering that they need to be randomly distributed.

Goddard's analysis is silly and full of stupid mistakes. The problem is that climate change deniers are too uneducated to understand good testing and good statistical analysis. Deniers don't care that something makes no sense because they lack the critical thinking skills to recognize stupid work.

There is no way an intelligent person considers Goddard's work at all useful. This is exactly the reason for peer review. Goddard could never be published in a journal because his math is so bad. He is not even a good ameteur.

As Trevor notes, all the temperature records are in agreement. To pick out one and say it is wrong just shows a lack of critical thinking.

So th edata have been adjusted. NOAA explains how. Do the changes make the data more accurate?

Sorry, I'm afraid coffin nails will be totally ignored just like the past 16 years of actual global temperature readings have been.

Mythical problems can only solved by mythical solutions.

I suspect the co2 cult can only be put to permanent rest by driving the horn of a unicorn through its heart.

Since unicorns & their horns unfortunately seem to be in much shorter supply than manipulated global warming statistics we will just have to get used to the noise of fanatical global warmers whining in the background for the foreseeable future.

Excellent! Now you can tell all of the glaciers and other forms of ice that they can now return to their prior levels before scientists started faking the temperature data. Do you really need a thermometer to see that the global climate is warming? Try this experiment. Place all of the world's thermometers into freezers and see if the ice returns to its former levels in the 1800's. Get back to us you after you have studied the results of this experiment. Some people cannot see the forest for the trees. Some people do not even notice the trees they are walking past, let alone the forest they are walking through!

Our ozone was warped for 34 years before some of us human turned it off. It will take time for nature to return to normal, how long I dont know, but you've had warm winters and hot summers, not its just the opposite, so go with the flow until nature is able to return to normal. Mike

How many 'final nails' do you guys have? I would have thought one, but obviously I was mistaken ...

You call yourself a "skeptic." A skeptic would check the claims made by the likes of Steven Goddard.


These girls (Y/A alarmist posters - Trevor is their guide dog with blinders on) put their pants on backwards too. They think the tag goes in front. They use temperature anomalies to justify warming and when you bring conclusive evidence that shows why CO2 levels being elevated aren't driving temperatures up as they should be (according to them), then they attack the messenger and tell you that "you don't know science". Human nature has nothing to do with science in their minds.

OAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data.

These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

Doubt that will be the "final nail" for anthropogenic global warming cultists. This fad will take 40 years or so to fade, much like the war on cholesterol and saturated fats.

Really, so why does the NOAA data tally with all the other temperature records. Are you now going to claim that they’ve all been manipulated. What about Dr’s Spencer and Christy, they’re climate change sceptics and their temp record matches with all the others, are you accusing these sceptics of also fabricating the data?

And what about the thousands of independent weather stations that are maintained by schools, universities, airports, amateur meteorologists, ski resorts, broadcasters etc – has every one of them been infiltrated as well? These records also show exactly the same amount of warming.

Got a link to a credible source that validates your claim? Didn’t think so.

Someone needs to tell ice-caps that the world’s not warming up, at the moment they’re misbehaving by melting at record rates. And whilst you’re at it tell the seas and oceans to stop rising. You might want to have a word with the fauna and flora and tell them they can stop acting like the world has warmed up. I’m sure you’ll let the millions and millions of people who have experienced record breaking heatwaves know that it was all a mass illusion. Will you tell the millions who have seen their glacial water supplies dry up that it’s all a hypnotists trick, surprise – the glaciers and streams have been their all along, it’s just that they can’t see them.

unless you have a credible source for your claim, it's just that:a story.

To be the "final nail" it would have to be a nail, and all it is rehashed propaganda.