> Climate change which kills more heat or cold?

Climate change which kills more heat or cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A cooling climate is more to be feared than a warming climate. I am surprised linLyons didn't know that.


If we were to have a drastic climate change,cold would kill more unless we already have drastric conditions then its a toss up.NO water heat will be the enemy.No sun cold will be we can not say which would kill more at any particular time without knowing the present conditions when it happens.Climate change is slow so no problems with either you adapt or you don't.

The problem that exists is, around the world, a far larger percentage of people live in hot areas than cold areas. EG, in Alaska, you're not going to get a lot of heat related deaths. In Indonesia, or Florida, you're not going to get a lot of cold related deaths. Also, since nearly all Americans that need them have furnaces and air conditioners, we see a relatively low number of temperature related deaths.

For example, in the study that you cite, there were about 10,000 deaths in 5 years.

Heat waves in Europe have killed several times as many. EG

2003 - 50,000 - 70,000

2010 - 70,000 (Europe and Russia)

Around the world, far more people live in areas where heat waves are the problem than cold temperatures, I submit that hear related deaths are many times higher than cold related deaths.

The concern is not the heat nor the cold but the change. Life would have to adapt to it, for us, which lands are suitable for what food production and are safe for us to live on will change and if we do no adapt fast enough, there could be social problems.

The CDC study only covers the United States. Most people in the United States have air conditioners, and even poor people have access to shelters with air conditioners. And much of the United States gets as cold as much of Canada in the winter. And, from the study

"During 2006–2010, 10,649 deaths of U.S. residents were attributed to weather-related causes of death."

In Russia in 2010 the "heatwave and drought resulted in vast wildfires and a mortality rate that was 56,000 people higher than the same period in 2009."


I don't agree with Pegminer's response. Whether heat of cold kills more is because of the snapshot of temperatures, not the trend. 2,000 years into the warming that happened from 20,000 to 10,000 years ago, cold may well have killed more people than heat, because, even though Earth was warming, it was still pretty cold.

The cold is more dangerous in short bursts, but it is common to have some sort of shelter to protect, and layers can infinitely be worn to protect.

The Western Cold Climate (likeley Alaska) skews the entire graph and percentages, that it should be thrown out to begin with when making an average. And plus this is Only the U.S. Heat causes sweat, when water is not plentiful, dehydration can easily kill, but, heat didn't kill, lack of water killed. The cold is more dangerous in short bursts, but it is common to have some sort of shelter to protect, and layers can infinitely be worn to protect. Also less people live in cold climates than hot, so their are bound to be less total cold related deaths all together.

The climate is not changing to become colder, so the answer has to be that the warming climate does.

In a hypothetical world where we were going into an ice age, that might kill more, but that's purely a fantasy.

Your study applies to extreme weather. For typical seasonal effects see http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnationa...

In UK more there are excess winter deaths.

He is a greenie. And greenies can make anything true just by stating it. They live in their own world that has its own set of shifting laws, depending on which way the wind blows. You will never pin any of them down even if you prove in the real world that they are 100% wrong.

Case in point: When I pointed out to Trevor that the UK had many deaths due to people freezing to death because they couldn't afford the high energy prices that the greenies put upon the cost of energy. He replied that it was getting better. There were fewer cold related deaths last year than there was the years before. Ha! Ha! To a real scientist, these were real people that should have been protected from such. To a greenie, "Yah, so we caused the death of a few. But we are getting better." Ha! Ha! How crass can you get?

To a greenie life and death is just a statistic, and death due to the fault of greenie inspired laws is just collateral damage. To a true humanitarian every person is a precious life.

The severity of any weather condition can endanger a lot of lives.

Do you mean " Does climate change affects the heat more or cold more?" Or do you mean "Which kills more- heat or cold?"

Partly effect we can see in World

They're both deadly if you get to high enough degrees.

Anything in extreme is harmful for human.

Your link is for the usa, not the world

both as well on its nature

zunt spekerz war.