> Is Global warming to blame for extreme weather? What can we do?

Is Global warming to blame for extreme weather? What can we do?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
only problem is that none of these so called extreme weather events is unprecedented. We are being told it is by a bunch of eco extremists who are trying to advance a socialists political agenda. One has to ask why the religious AGW cultists are demanding action be taken by the west but not from communist and socialist countries in the midst of industrialization. Why did Kyoto treaty exclude China, India, and all of Africa yet only mandated that western capitalist countries conform to it? It's not about the environment at all.

To answer your first question. No.

So the answer to your second question is Not Applicable.

You seem to be eager to blame cold on warming and see more tornadoes when clearly it isn't supported by statistics. If your house has flooded 3 times in two years, I would suggest that somebody built a house where it wasn't safe. Blaming that on CO2 emissions is nonsense.

Thanks guys. And About the tornado thing, I have never seen or been near a tornado in my life. I hope I never will be. I just feel like there has been a lot of natural disasters recently. . Then again, Maybe not any more than normal.

Nothing can be blamed on global warming, because global warming and it's effect on earth can only be derived by computer simulations. And the climate models cannot hind cast nor did they predict a 17 year pause in global temperatures. So it really doesn't matter what the theory predicts, because it is a broken theory that cannot be trusted until the matter of the pause and its causes have been accurately modeled.





Now you say you live in the Midwest and you have had too much flooding right? But the warmers have been blaming the droughts in the US on global warming.


On the news when I was little, they showed the devastation of tornadoes, they talked about floods here, droughts there and extreme weather. The only difference is that when I was a kid, they did not blame it on CO2.

If you want to help out the planet, then reduce, reuse and recycle. It generally saves you money and saves resources. We do not need some imagined climate apocalypse to justify doing the right thing.

According to the IPCC the answer is NO. Just look at the SREX report. Some scientists and various blog debaters like to say the answer is yes because they wish to scare people.

Well many scientists suspect AGW as the cause and agree in the future AGW will create more storms and an increase in severity BUT this can't be proven as of yet

So, the United State has been experiencing extreme weather recently. I live in the mid west and last winter it dropped as low as to -20F (-52F with Windchill) if finally stopped snowing. Now there are tornados. Also, my house has flooded 3 times in the past two years. Is global warming to blame for the extreme weather? If so what can the average person do to help prevent it from getting worse?