> Will mankind go extinct because of global warming?

Will mankind go extinct because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Possibly when the sun expands and overheats Earth, but that wont happen for at least 2 billion years.

No man made global warming is way down the bottom of possible Earth extinctions.

In our past history we have had CO2 many many times higher than now, without killing off our planet, if 10,000ppm couldn't do it, I dont think 400ppm to 600ppm will do it either.

If I remember rightly Read many moons ago, in I think it was called Dr Thomson's book of Biology that the only animal beside a Pig that can breed in any climate is a pig, and a Human being, if this is so then no man will not go extinct. He could breed but he would have to eat unclean food so perhaps the pig will kill mankind off (but I trust my lord will take me home b4 then)

"With a 2 out of 3 chance that global warming isn't going to be the reason for mans demise..."

There's really only 3 ways that man will become extinct?

Earth Created for a Purpose

Although opinions regarding our planet’s future differ, one thing is certain: Earth is unique. Unlike other planets, it hosts a stunning diversity of life. What makes this possible? Scientists point to several factors. Specifically, the earth has an abundance of liquid water; it is located at the right distance from the sun; and it contains the right mixture of atmospheric gases, including large amounts of oxygen.

What, then, can we conclude? When God created the earth―with an abundance of liquid water, located at just the right distance from the sun, and with the right mixture of gases―he must have had a reason, a purpose. The Bible tells us: “[God] did not create [the earth] simply for nothing, [he] formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) “As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong,” states Psalm 115:16, “but the earth he has given to the sons of men.” Yes, earth was created for human habitation

“Climate change is a global problem,” said one former U.S. president. Would you not agree, then, that a global solution is needed? Jesus Christ pointed to that solution―God’s Kingdom. He instructed his followers to pray: “Let your kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:9,?10) According to Bible prophecy, this heavenly Kingdom is a global government that will soon “crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [present-day governments].” (Daniel 2:44) Moreover, it will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Clearly, those who abuse the earth and squander its resources will be held accountable and will suffer destruction.

What, though, will happen to our polluted planet? Noteworthy is the fact that Jesus when on earth exercised miraculous powers over natural elements, such as the wind and the sea. He silenced a violent storm just by uttering a few words. (Mark 4:35-41) Ruling in the heavens as the “Lord of lords and King of kings,” Jesus will exercise far greater powers over earth and its elements. (Revelation 17:14) In fact, Jesus described his rule as the “re-creation.” (Matthew 19:28) Another translation uses the expression “the renewal of all things.” (New International Version) Jesus will re-create, or renew, conditions on earth, making them similar to those that existed in the garden of Eden. Paradise will be restored. (Luke 23:43) Earth will be cured of its “fever”―by God’s Kingdom. Earth’s future is secure. May that also be true of your future!

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Climate change has been occurring seasonally since the Permian age when it was much hotter until the Ice age & mini Ice age.

God will not be sad if humans go extinct like the other hominids. Sapiens don't want to live in trees naturally, use their feet for travelling, make stuff out of natural fibers only, & reproduce only within their means. Sapiens are pushing nature & wild life into ever decreasing small reserves (prisons) in favor of any structures & facilities that lay uninhabited in off hours when not in use, & living in too large of a space. Open Spaces are being walled off by private & public facilities for residential, administrative, logistic, storage, manufacturing, mercantile, entertainment, & storage usage.

If nothing else happens, global warming is likely going to be what kills us but the chance of nothing else happening is low. If global warming were to kill us it wouldn't be a matter of years, but much longer.

No no one goes extinct everyone has a soul that lives. It's called the soul ID.

No no one goes extinct everyone has a soul that lives. It's called the soul ID.

Climate Realist,

EXACTLY. We do not need scare-mongering to justify good solutions like those you mention. We need scare-mongering to justify non-solutions like taxation.

Why do you think they are spreading so much scare-mongering? 40 feet sea level rises, increased droughts, the decimation of crops, nuclear war over land, extinction of polar bears, etc. etc...

It is not to justify types of power that would cost us LESS money. It is to justify taxation plans that would otherwise repulse the average Joe taxpayer.

Who spread the message about the danger of nuclear power? Environmental groups or the much-hated Heartland group? Who spreads fear that hydro plants will kill off the spotted horny toad? Environmental groups or the much-hated Koch Brothers?

Have you looked at the nearly exponential growth of solar panel sales? Do you really think that carbon taxes are necessary to continue that growth?

It's possible if the key species who maintain our ecosystems also disappear. For instance if primary pollinators disappear then our sources of food would dramatically decrease, to those not reliant on pollination, which would drastically affect other animals who are also reliant on pollination. It would be an extreme scenario, but I have no doubt population size would dwindle to a lower carrying capacity.

Global warming scientists believe that global warming will cause mankind to go extinct in a few years. Stephen Hawking thinks artificial intelligence will be the reason man go extinct, Terminator style. Astrophysicists believe the world will end by a killer asteroid. With a 2 out of 3 chance that global warming isn't going to be the reason for mans demise, why should we spend our resources fighting this? Wouldn't we be better off putting our resources in preventing a killer asteroid?

If nothing else happens, global warming is likely going to be what kills us but the chance of nothing else happening is low. If global warming were to kill us it wouldn't be a matter of years, but much longer.

I wish...

Humans are torturing animals and treat them like they are piece of dirt, they eat them and think they were born to serve the man kind.

Humans do more evil things than good things, so it will be better for the planet if they just disappear.

Only vegans should survive!! :)

The answer is yes ppl of the world. why? because we have only 6% of fresh water in the world and a little amount of fresh air in the world. They said that in 2020, we will have a chance of "no fresh water" if and only if, we will not stop the global warming. And if there's no fresh water, well you know what will happen to us.


Because of global warming itself, no. Only about 1% of Earth's surface is in any danger of flooding because of sea level rise. But, perhaps that could be enough to start a nuclear war.

Why does global warming have to be the end of the world to justify solar, hydro and nuclear power? People get upset because of a single hurricane killing a few thousand people. Even if they don't blame it on global warming.

And if Mr. Caine does respond to this question for real, note that my answer does not mention taxes. And when did any climatologist speak out against nuclear power? And when did the Heartland Institute or the Koch brothers say that nuclear power or hydro power should replace coal?

The demise of mankind has nothing to do with climate or an asteroid. It has to do with moral decay.

"With a 2 out of 3 chance that global warming isn't going to be the reason for mans demise..."

There's really only 3 ways that man will become extinct?

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance

Not in my life time so I don't give two Sh!ts if it does.

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance

Thats for the future to decide. It's up to us right now, to recognize the problems and do our best to prevent them.

Yes. GW will reduce the growth of Hops and Rye and grapes...which will lead to a shortage of Beer, Whiskey, and Wine. If THAT is not the END OF MANKIND ...I do not know what will.

dude! global warming is a real slow(at the moment) process and even if it raises the temperature to an level where human life is not possible, then every living thing would perish!

No, because it is in God's plan.

No, because it is in God's plan.

The answer is NO! Wasn't this asked a couple of days ago? One of Jello's I believe? It was a dumb question then and has not gained anything by repetition. Please try to be more original!


No, because it is in God's plan.

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance

NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME. But maybe a asteroid has a chance