> Why is it that if it's warmer one year over the previous, that's proof that global warming is happening, but?

Why is it that if it's warmer one year over the previous, that's proof that global warming is happening, but?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if it's colder for 10 years straight we can't say it's cooling because global warming takes hundreds if not thousands of years to happen?

You got it! That is how it goes. All you have to do is go back two years when the greenies on this site were crowing about the hot weather.

neither is proof. cooling or warming take place over hundreds of years and are global averages so it doesn't matter if it was colder one year or warmer the next. what matteres is the way things are moving over a longer stretch of time. The reason for climate change of course, is not the day-to-day weather, it's the amount of CO2 we are adding to the atmosphere. We know that CO2 raises temperatures over long periods of time. this is evident when you look back at the mass extinctions of the past, 4 out of 5 of which were caused by high levels of CO2. The same levels we're aproaching now actually.

No it isn't. Long term trends of 30 years or more is proof of global warming.

Its been 17 years it stopped in 1998 before it got started .

They say a over 100 degree day is Global Warming then pretend it never happened before .

Did any scientist ever claim that "it's warmer one year over the previous" is "proof that global warming is happening"? The question makes little sense.

warmcold, droughtflood, snownosnow, hurricanenohurricane, tornadonotornado, all signs of runaway we are completely doomed, we are all going to die global warming

"Earth had its 4th-warmest year on record in 2013"


It does not. Who says it does?

What are you talking about?

Look at the PDO. Look at 1940-1980.

Who says hundreds of years.

You are just making stuff up, you Troll.

because of ego. Every one wants to be right and will twist facts to prove it.

if it's colder for 10 years straight we can't say it's cooling because global warming takes hundreds if not thousands of years to happen?