> The Old Farmers Almanac is predicting a long "super cold" winter, do you agree?

The Old Farmers Almanac is predicting a long "super cold" winter, do you agree?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Almanac never said that 'snow would be a thing of the past' so I'll go with the Almanac.

I thought the Farmer's Almanac was based on seasonal short term (year) forecasts, and that generally scientific predictions are long-term generalised forecasts?

Were the Farmer's Almanac and the scientists predicting for the same area over the same time period too? I am pretty sure that the Farmer's Almanac would be regionally based (and may different) across the different regions of the USA. Were the scientists comments related to the same regions as those predicted in the Almanac.

I am just asking these questions because I do not know what context the scientists predictions were made in, or what the Farmer's Almanac objective is.

O.F. Almanac is for the US. Viner talks about FUTURE England.

Must you continue to waste our time with Straw man arguments?

I accept the facts, that Winters are getting warmer, not your feeble lies

Believers still claim that winters are going to be so warm that our kids won't know what snow is, that snow is just a thing of the past.

How can two climate models be so different, and which one do you accept as being more accurate, The 'Old Farmers Almanac' or the prestigious climate scientist Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia?