> Does Global Warming mean more ice or less ice in Antarctica?

Does Global Warming mean more ice or less ice in Antarctica?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Man-made Global Warming is a very flexible scam, so it depends on what actually happens in Antarctica.

If Antarctica gets more ice... then man-made Global Warming caused that.

If Antarctica gets less ice... then man-made Global Warming caused that.

If Antarctica's ice remains the same... then man-made Global Warming caused that.

There, I think I covered all the bases.

Antarctica is covered with snow, continent of ice. Only fear is melting of ice due to heat covering up various parts of the globe leads to disturbances of climate change.less of ice covers up cold area like Antarctica is matter of concern.Hence, Global Warming means less of ice that each one of us must take the precaution.

Average global temperature does not effect the polar ice caps, that would be local temperature. Global is the average global temperature. There can be a big difference.

Obviously in the 6 years between those two articles much has occurred. And more sea ice does not equal more overall ice. Sea ice around Antarctica is increasing while land ice is decreasing. I would suggest you make your question reflect this.

The reasons for the increasing sea ice around Antarctica has also been provided for you numerous times.

Atmospheric circulation: http://www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/6/...

Ice mass loss - http://ess.uci.edu/researchgrp/velicogna...

Description of causes -

"These studies have shown that Antarctic sea ice is related to and/or controlled by the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), El Nin?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), oceanic conditions, ozone depletion, and other factors."

What does the future hold? - http://www.pnas.org/content/107/34/14987... (You may note that one of the authors for this paper is Judith Curry.)

Southern Oscillation Index - http://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/guidanc...

given this, there are numerous factors that need to be taken into account. However, coming to the conclusion that the planet is not warming or something similar is jumping to conclusions based on one section of the planet where temperature variation can be explained by other means. Does this mean past models that projected a sea ice decrease in this region during this time period were wrong? Yes. They more than likely did not include the other factors such as energy redistribution and such. Does this mean the planet is not warming? The Earth's changing energy budget shows otherwise. Does this mean current models can not predict future changes? As long as all or most variables are accounted for I see no reason why they couldn't.

It isn't realists who say that everything is caused by global warming. It is environmentalists who do.

Not everyone who is scientifically illiterate questions global warming. The reason why I distance myself from environmentalists is because environmentalists are not pro-responsible development but are just plain anti-development.

Could more ice, in Antarctica or anyplace else be caused by global warming? In order to say "yes," I would need to explain how. Some glaciers grow in spite of global warming. Such glaciers grow because of regional cooling, which would happen anyway, probably fo a greater extent, if not for Global warming.

Regional variability is not new. It happened during the Medieval Warm Period and in 1934.



Land ice in Antarctica is melting. The melt water is diluting the sea water and causing the freezing point of the sea water to increase. This could be the cause of the Antarctic Ice growing.

And now, I will throw you a bone. For Antarctic sea Ice to grow as a result ot such melt water will act as a negative feedback.

Regardless of Baccheus' contrived explanations and mixing up of sea ice and ice sheets, the IPCC was wrong about Antarctic sea ice extent.

That means climate scientists were wrong and the way the programmed their climate models was wrong: http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1...

My unskilled estimation is that Antarctic sea ice couldn't care less about CO2 or heat waves in the US or bitter winters in Europe. It's regional factors that matter most and they're probably cyclic on different time scales. And I doubt anybody knows exactly how it all works down there.

Yes, if the world heats up a couple of degrees for whatever reason, I'm sure there will be some ice loss in Antarctica eventually. Just like I'm sure there has been some loss since the Little Ice Age.

In the end, it's reports in the past like this that look, well, so juvenile: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthne... I think since then we've discovered another half a million penguins by satellite. And their sea ice is doing fine. So what's the response of the scientifically minded? Move on to something else.

Antarctic ice volume has been declining at a rate of about 250 gigatonnes per year. As the ice gets thinner, the extent (i.e. surface) is expanded in during winter due to the melt from below and to the increased winds due to climate change. There is temporary extent, i.e. ice on the surface that freezes in the winter and thaws in the summer. There is lot of news about Antarctic ice right now, but if you want to follow it you have to read scientific sources rather than blogs that are so bad that their links don't even work.

Another proof that climate change deniers are stupid people who can't read.

It means another ice age

It must be a simple world you live in, where there are no subtleties or nuances. But then I've always thought that deniers were very simple-minded.

Antarctica = too cold to melt

Warmer = more clouds

More clouds = more snow in antarctica = falling seas


Whatever happens, I'm sure Global Warming was the cause.

Alarmists: "There has been NO PAUSE in Global Warming. And here is what is causing the pause in Global Warming..."

The earth is cooling

Larger extent doesn't mean there is more ice, just like more snow doesn't mean it's colder.


Well it just shows how smart these climate scientists are, I mean have they got anything right yet?

If you say that it is just regional variations, why is there such a big fuss about Arctic ice melting.

Less ice, the temperature is rising in the artic and the ice is melting.

Who cares? Penguins would probably like less, it would mean they don't have to walk as many miles to breed...

It doesn't make any difference. They will find a reason to tax us.