> Why do so-called "global warming" believers deny the scientists at NASA?

Why do so-called "global warming" believers deny the scientists at NASA?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because the so called "global warming" believers want to keep receiving their nice big fat taxpayer funded paychecks every week. No man-made Global Warming would mean a lot of them would have to go and find a real job.


Well us smart greenies, well we . . uh only believe NASA when they agree with Gore. How we long for those days of yesteryear when Jimmy the Commie was in change and we all knew the temperatures were a lie, BUT is was OUR lie. This NASA today is too wishy -washy. They cry for funding and cry and cry, then when they get the funds they turn on us honest hard working scam artists just like that. Why at least Jimmy was loyal to us right to the end. He knew which side of his bread the butter was on. He was infamous for taking money under the table. These new guys are now too sceered to take money. It is a darn rotten shame when they can't be influenced by even Soros' deep pockets.

I hope Gore runs for President next time. I am going to vote for him in Chicago. There it is more fair there. If you vote once for a Democrat it gets counted six times. My Florida vote only counted twice. Dog gonnit, why didn't they leave well enough alone?

From the link;

"Study coauthor Josh Willis of JPL said these findings do not throw suspicion on climate change itself."

It is denialists who deny the scientists at NASA. One recently retired NASA scientist is James Hansen.

Because it's a religion. They continue to believe despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary. The surface is not warming. The oceans are not warming.

Politics - an excuse for taxes and surcharges.

The UK government climate committee recently voted on whether it was justified to continue taxation etc. - the two actual scientists on the committee voted no, the three politicians voted yes.

It's all about the dollar bill(s).....who stands to lose the most??? Use your brain.

NASA also said the Arctic could be mostly ice free by 2013.

You lie, it's as simple as that

NASA scientists most of them suck

Not sure maybe because we all want to think that bad things are on the way.

NASA scientists have determined that the planet isn't warming, and the oceans aren't storing heat. Yet believers continue to deny science. Why is this?


I read the article. It doesn't say what you claimed it did.

the new study found the global ocean absorbed far more heat in those 35 years than previously thought -