> Why do global warming deniers talk about "the end of humanity"?

Why do global warming deniers talk about "the end of humanity"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Cherry-picking, essentially. They take one "We're all going to die!" statement, and treat it as the view of all "alarmists" everywhere.

It's not just temperatures that they cherry-pick...

Lol. Alarmists live in their own strange fantasy world. They want to scare everyone into believing their religion by claiming that man made CO2 emissions will cause all types of catastrophes in the near future. But of course they don't like skeptics pointing this out so they say "We NEVER said global warming would be catastrophic". You then say to them, "Okay, if it won't be catastrophic then why do we need to waste billions of dollars fighting it?" They then will say we need to fight it because if we don't do anything the consequences will be catastrophic.

It's the same with their "There is NO pause occurring and this is what is causing the pause to occur."

Alarmists lie, hate facts, hate reality, ignore evidence, and then claim skeptics are the "deniers".

I predicted this last spring in a question that – conveniently for Deniers – was vaporized.

Trying to deny that anthropogenic global warming is a fact lost touch with reality some time ago. The more intelligent Deniers realized that and began redefining themselves as accepting some global warming, but opposing catastrophic global warming. Of course, you cannot get them to define what ‘catastrophic’ means – because it means whatever they want it to mean. Unable to control themselves, they are now trying to brand climate science with some anecdotal Bullshlt and cherry-picked statements.

The most interesting, and worrisome, thing is that global warming is occurring much faster than most scientists thought 20 years ago. I thought it would be 2020 before we could maybe identify a measurable difference from the long-term mean and 2050 before we would see any major swings in variability and extreme events. I certainly expected a 5-year long or so run of temperatures below the long term big – and I sure did not expect that we would not have even one year close to mean for decades and, instead, would be setting record-after-record of high temperatures.

We are nearing the end as spoken of in Revelation. John the Apostle was exiled on the island of Patmos. He was taken in the spirit to the future and shown what will be just prior to Christ's return.

Worldwide Pestilence ( Ebola Etc )

A One World Government and economic system. ( in the works )

Everyone needs a chip / mark in their right hand to participate in modern life. No buying or selling without the mark. No banking, shopping, nothing.

A third world war will scare humanity into the global government mindset. Those opposed will be portrayed as uneducated and imbeciles.

Increasing earthquakes worldwide...Volcanoes included. There are now 36 active volcanoes on earth and more coming to life.

A charismatic world leader who will deceive the nations. Many will believe in him. Those who oppose him will be killed.

The rise of Sodomite activity worldwide.

We weren't the ones who started it, catastrophic global warming statements were the norm in the earlier days, but now that it looks ever more unlikely, we skeptics like to rub the alarmists faces in it.

Though even now Wikipedia talks about it http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0SO8zrOT...

Climate change truth files https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads...

How about this "If they’re wrong: catastrophe,” Kerry is reported to have said Thursday morning during a speech at the Wind Technology Testing Center in Charlestown. “Life as you know it on Earth ends.”

I don't know. They are such alarmists.

Raisin is the most recent, but we often see global warming deniers say that those who are concerned about warming claim that we're predicting "the end of humanity". Now I'll grant that there are a few, probably who have been scared by AGW deniers, who say stuff like that. But it's not common. AND, when we see such, it's people that are concerned about global warming that most frequently try to correct that opinion.

SO, why to AGW deniers post stuff like, "One group makes outrageous claims of the end of humanity"?

It's not like that opinion hasn't been refuted many times over.

Why do they still post it?

They know it's not true.

Is there any outrageous claim that AGW deniers won't make?