> Do developed countries have a greater obligation to combat climate change than developing countries?

Do developed countries have a greater obligation to combat climate change than developing countries?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why or why not?

Developed, developing, progressing or regressing, ALL countries, except for a few tiny -rounding error sized- island statelets that are already busting their behinds out of sheer immediate necessity, have an obligation to do HUGELY more than they've been doing so far to stop exploiting future generations by wrecking the climate for millennia to come.

The unheeded counsel of Conservative PM Margaret Thatcher from a quarter century ago:

Well anyone who builds new power stations or new industries has the responsibility to build them as clean as possible, and phase out the old less cleaner plants.

Every country though has the right to build what they need, and there is nothing we can do about that, you cannot restrict Co2 emissions from developing countries, but thankfully Co2 is not causing climate change.

If developed countries try to reduce Co2 to make up for less developed countries they will soon becomes poor third world countries themselves, without energy there is no progress.

Yes. Developed countries have the financial resources and awareness to even begin any project to fight pollution (which is mostly the cause of climate change). Also, as many of the factories in developing countries are owned by big corporations and businessmen originating from developed countries, they have the most power in reducing the effect of climate change.

AI and Justin should get together on this. The responsibility for cleanup should be proportional to the contribution of pollutants. The only thing is, I would consider both China and India to be developed countries in this regard. When you have to shut down industry for several days in order to hold the olympics, something is very wrong.

NO, because there can be no obligations on anyone or any country to act upon something that does not exist.

Since Climate Change has not been legally or scientifically defined, just what are we obligated to do?

Until Climate Change is first defined then proven detrimental to mankind no one has any obligation.

Yes. They have the resources to make the necessary changes with less impact on their population, and they put most of the CO2 into the atmosphere in the first place.

yes, most of the excess CO2 since the 1850 has been put there by developed nations

Please stop quoting Margaret Thatcher as a g\warming advocate.

She only advocated to gain funding dung nuclear power stations so she could wrest power from the coal miners, as you have all been told on numerous occasions.

No, they have a proportional responsability , our planet , all our obligation.

Why or why not?