> Where is the missing heat?

Where is the missing heat?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Makes you wonder what excuse they will come up with next. Maybe the hidden heat in in the core of the planet, or hiding on the moon.....

All of this is arguing about a few tenths of a degree. Right now, that is what this has become. Can we explain this tenth of a degree of missing heat or this tenth of a degree.

There is something larger here that the warmers are failing to acknowledge, and skeptics should be driving home.

AS the warmers can barely argue for SOME warming, their modeled predictions were not for some warming, they were for exponential-like warming. Increases that would place the world at 4 degrees warmer by just 2100. What is the estimate now? The IPCC corrected their prediction downward by about a degree. They are now projecting around 2.5 degrees by 2100? 95% of their models are overestimating the current temp. What does it need to come down to the make the models not overestimate? 1 - 1.5 degrees?

In other words, they have been exaggerating the problem the entire time and the actual temperature difference and their exponential models are starting to seriously diverge.

Whether or not there is some warming, there is certianly not catastrophic warming.

In fact, the lack of catastrophe is becoming more and more apparent. Where is the catastrophe going to come from??? Crop losses, when crop production has been increasing faster than population? Droughts, when droughts have not increase over the past 60 years? Extreme weather death rates that have been decreasing. You have to get real creative to even see an increase in extreme weather with teh whole hurricanes are decreasing but getting stronger BS.

These alarmists are literally trying to keep their head above water showing any warming at all.

What "missing" heat ? Why is it "missing" ? The Earth is in a dynamical equilibrium between internally generated heat and heat from the Sun, and heat lost into space by radiation. Measuring the temperature of the Earth, or its "normal" heat balance is difficult at best, and contains a large amount of estimation of various factors (otherwise could be called guesswork). It will take centuries of observations before a comprehensive picture is assembled, and before this era could really be reliably described as warming or not. In the meantime, I prefer to accept the deductions made by competent climatologists from the data currently available, that some warming is occurring. What cannot be determined is how long the warming phase will last, and how far it will go.

Probably in the same place as my "missing" million dollars.

There are 3.1 millionaires in the U.S. but when I call my bank to see why I'm not one of them they tell me its for the simple reason that I haven't deposited a million dollars.

Since the fabled "missing heat" isn't in the atmosphere , the Geosphere or the oceans, One doesn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that it never existed/arrived in the first place.

We do not have sufficient knowledge to say either way, there are a limited number of argo buoys, and they have been operating for a little more than a decade, it will be hundreds of years before we can understand ocean heat.

If you had read you reference, you know that they say it is in the upper half below the topmost layer.

Oh yeah - and it is not a theory. If you scientifically illiterate knuckleheads want to play grown-ups knowledgeable about science, you should at least stop using scientific terms incorrectly.


edit ---

>>@Gary F... "The temperature of the top half of the world's oceans -- above the 1.24-mile mark -- is still climbing, but not fast enough to account for the stalled air temperatures." <<

You own referenced article says that ocean heat uptake is 24-58% greater than previous estimates.

Grade A for lying and willful ignorance

I vacation in Mexico every year - where is the rising water level ?

You should keep up to date as to what "warmers" are saying. About a year ago, you were claiming that there had been a seventeen year pause. Your denialist pals, like Madd Maxx and Kano are still making that claim. You could have checked that claim using Woodfortrees.


But, OK, I did find a pause, beginning in 2001, without any help from you denialists.


Or, maybe there wasn't a pause beginning in 2001. Interesting dilemma for "skeptics." Do you believe "alarmist" James Hansen, who says there was a pause starting in 2001, or 97 percenter, Roy Spencer, who says there wasn't a pause? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the authors of that study is also an author f the following study


Edit: You can't really comprehend much of anything can you?

Here is the original article: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v...

"As the dominant reservoir of heat uptake in the climate system, the world’s oceans provide a critical measure of global climate change. Here, we infer deep-ocean warming in the context of global sea-level rise and Earth’s energy budget between January 2005 and December 2013. Direct measurements of ocean warming above 2,000 m depth explain about 32% of the observed annual rate of global mean sea-level rise. Over the entire water column, independent estimates of ocean warming yield a contribution of 0.77 ± 0.28 mm yr?1 in sea-level rise and agree with the upper-ocean estimate to within the estimated uncertainties. Accounting for additional possible systematic uncertainties, the deep ocean (below 2,000 m) contributes ?0.13 ± 0.72 mm yr?1 to global sea-level rise and ?0.08 ± 0.43 W m?2 to Earth’s energy balance. The net warming of the ocean implies an energy imbalance for the Earth of 0.64 ± 0.44 W m?2 from 2005 to 2013."

And here is what was posted previouosly

"The global ocean stores more than 90% of the heat associated with observed greenhouse-gas-attributed global warming. Using satellite altimetry observations and a large suite of climate models, we conclude that observed estimates of 0–700 dbar global ocean warming since 1970 are likely biased low. This underestimation is attributed to poor sampling of the Southern Hemisphere, and limitations of the analysis methods that conservatively estimate temperature changes in data-sparse regions. We find that the partitioning of northern and southern hemispheric simulated sea surface height changes are consistent with precise altimeter observations, whereas the hemispheric partitioning of simulated upper-ocean warming is inconsistent with observed in-situ-based ocean heat content estimates. Relying on the close correspondence between hemispheric-scale ocean heat content and steric changes, we adjust the poorly constrained Southern Hemisphere observed warming estimates so that hemispheric ratios are consistent with the broad range of modelled results. These adjustments yield large increases (2.2–7.1 × 1022 J 35 yr?1) to current global upper-ocean heat content change estimates, and have important implications for sea level, the planetary energy budget and climate sensitivity assessments."

Edit: Yeah man the snow is just piled up outside my door.


Pretty soon I'll have to scoop it out with a rain bucket.

In the southern oceans.




I know from alarmists that

A) The global warming pause is definitely, without a doubt, NOT occurring.

B) The global warming pause IS occurring because the heat is hiding in the deep ocean where unfortunately (and conveniently) we can't measure it.

A NASA study says the deep ocean has not warmed measurably since 2005.


1) Where is the missing heat hiding?

2) Can we strike this theory from the explanations as to why the global warming pause (which is definitely NOT occurring) IS occurring?