> Increasing Antarctic ice extent an algorithm error?

Increasing Antarctic ice extent an algorithm error?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hah Cris Turney trapped in a algorithm error http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/new-photo-of-professor-chris-turneys-boat-trapped-in-an-algorithm-error/

For those not up-to-date with the latest climate gossip, the question is referring to this paper: http://eisenman.ucsd.edu/reprints/Eisenm...

So not only did the models suggest that there was very little ice, the satellites were over estimating the level as well.

If it is not ice, I wonder what all that white stuff floating on the water could be?

The data error, if you read the report is VERY small. Total ice extent increased by over 8 MILLION square kilometers. The calibration "error" is approximately 200 THOUSAND square kilometers. That is a net difference of around 2.5%. I have to believe that is within the margin or error for reporting and if not, then its still rather inconsequential.

The ICE is expanding and has been expanding for 30 years. The article does NOT contest this. The article only brings into question that 2.5% It could be, and they do NOT get into it, that the new data is 100% correct and the older satellite was drifting OUT of calibration and the NEW satellite after calibration correct the lower value error. After all, the FACT that these sensors drift out of calibration over time due to damage from the hostile space environment is a MAJOR reason why we routinely replace the satellites.

People need to read the data and understand what the data means.

A 2.5% difference between the sensors from the old satellite and the sensors on the new satellite after final calibration was completed. That is ALL the article is looking at.

So, is the increasing ice extent in Antarctica a data error? A definitive NO. Is PART of the increase a data error? Possibly... Not sure yet, more research is needed.

Linlyons, ships don't go to the Antarctic in Winter, Shipping season runs between Oct & Mar beyond that the sea ice expands to far for shipping to run.

The scientist mentioned in Goddards blog, I can only call it a spite attack, as there is no real info in the three line comment attached to the photo.

Cris Turney (actually it's Chris Turney) is an Australian Scientists attached to the Uni of NSW, the ship he was on is the MV Akademik Shokalskiy a Russian ship and not a full ice breaker.

The story (and the picture Goodard uses) are from 7 months ago.


The Australian ice breaker Aurora Australis tried to rescue them but was unable to to due to weather conditions.


This all happened close in to the coast near the mouth of a large bay, where ships have been caught before. (see the location pictures further down the story)

When I first started we did our resupplies between Nov & Feb, now that is more like Oct & Mar, while extent is growing (sea) ice is melting sooner and reforming later than it did in the 80's & 90's, I note Goddard makes no mention of that, but then what does he rally know, very little from the posts I keep seeing denier like kano post, it seems he doesn't even know that is a ship (not a boat).

It's not all that infrequent that boats get trapped in Antarctic ice in July -- the height of the southern winter.

You know, that season that AGW deniers seem to think implies that global cooling is taking over.

It would seem that some of 'em have learned a new word -- algorithm, and want to show off their newly expanded vocabulary, rather ignoring that the definition of such seems to have completely escaped their mental facilities.

It would seem that Steven Goddard, and wordpress, suffer from that limitation.

And the folks that read 'em, haven't the discrimination to realize that.

Edit: Was that the one that the Chinese ice breaker finally rescued?


I heard the Captain (the one with the 'h' in his name) was heard to say, "OH NO! I should have used algorithm rather than Al Gore-ithm!"

And would someone please inform linlyons that " the height of the southern winter" is really summer. Ha! Ha! Remember when Al Gore told the media that they had displayed the world upside-down? I think his stupidity is contagious amongst the greenies. Ha! Ha!

Thanks for the laugh, linlyons. This time you have even exceeded Dorkster in negative intelligence.

1. Adjust historical temperatures lower. Check.

2. Adjust current temperatures higher. Check.

3. Adjust sea level rise higher. Check.

4. Adjust Antarctic sea ice extent lower. Check.

Wheeeeee... climatology is a real science.

Extent is not the same as volume or weight. Extend is the surface area covered by ice. But if the ice is thinner then it could still be less volume and weight of ice. And that is what I read is happening; it is thinning and spreading.

Al Gore ain't got no rhythm.

Hah Cris Turney trapped in a algorithm error http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/new-photo-of-professor-chris-turneys-boat-trapped-in-an-algorithm-error/