> Why is rapid, human-induced environmental change a threat to natural populations?

Why is rapid, human-induced environmental change a threat to natural populations?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'll give you a few hints

global warming / climate change

cutting down the south american rain forests that both animals need to live in and the earth needs to get rid of CO2 and create oxygen

raising millions of cattle for food , the cattle give off dangerous methane

This question sets a false premise. Human-induced environmental change is local, not global, for example; If you build a liberal elitist propaganda think tank center or environmentalist headquarters to organize suppression of American industry and capitalism and to aid in the advancement of communism and you do that in a place where trees used to be then you'll make the birds and bunnies relocate and do their happy animal stuff some where else. No threat to natural populations, just a matter of who lives where and an overall threat to each person's FREEDOM!

Liberty first! Communism never.

My carbon footprint is not my neighbor's weather event.

The rainforest is a Co2 eater and oxygen generator, so it should be conserved, but we have much more forest in the world than that.

EDIT: One last add on 2/23 .... Glaciers once destroyed little animal homes and environments as they carved out valleys and lakes across our planet. Current weather events pale by comparison.

Let me try some lib speak on natural law deniers; Ahem ... if the sea level rises there will be even more sea life capacity, meaning more humanity sustaining fish, crabs, shrimp, lobster etc. to eat and it may also mean more reef expansion into areas where reefs can't live now and it's just not fair because aren't other areas entitled to reefs? ..., so out of fairness, a rising sea level would level the playing field and give other surfaces their fair share, but remember; if the sea gets larger, you didn't build that, us truck and SUV drivers did and we helped the baby seals have more food too while evil environmental alarmists called their extra food supply a crisis!

.... and tell me what kind of environmentalist wouldn't want the wonderful creatures of the sea to have more water to live in? You know it's so greedy of the land occupiers to deny fairness to the creatures of the sea! The polar bears need fish to eat too. Do you want the polar bears to starve?!! Have you ever seen a picture of a polar bear without a fish?!! It is like sooo terrible! And what are the fish eating? Doesn't more water provide an environment for more plankton? New water in new areas will grow new plankton environments to feed the fish! You aren't a fish hater, are you? Equal rights for fish you know! They are earth's citizens toooo!

Remember, end of season sales people! Buy your coal now!! Turn up your heat! Be kind to sea creatures!

I think your textbook is out of date, last time we had any warming was 17yrs ago. all in all we have had 0.8 degrees C warming in the last 150yrs with a few ups and downs inbetween.

Forget global warming it is not happening, anyway CO2 is causing increased plant growth and food crops it is good for man and nature http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/201...

C. what part of what I said is a lie?

It's not happening.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It's as about as much as a threat as werewolves and vampires.

Kano...Whether you know it or not you are promoting a lie. There is no truth to what you said

IT IS'NT. Mike