> How do designers have an impact on our environment?

How do designers have an impact on our environment?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Like our Eco environment... I've always wanted to know...

How do they affect our carbon footprint and stuff like that ect ect.

You should look up the term sustainable development. Different design techniques of buildings and other structures allow for heat used, energy used, or power used by those structures to be made on site using things such as district energy systems. This provides less of a pull on the energy grid and, if it is powered through a local renewable source, will lessen the pollution and carbon emissions as opposed to it getting energy directly from a fossil fuel based source. You may also want to look up the term 'passive design'. This incorporates the use of renewable energy resources such as geothermal, solar, wind, and so on to provide energy for heating, cooling and lighting. Another thing you may want to look up is water-wise landscape design. These are landscaping techniques designed to need and use less fresh drinking water to be kept up to date.

Depends on the item or medium being used to design an item

I used to wear designer jeans and my wife liked them. Yah, it made the environment better.

they make it look cool

Like our Eco environment... I've always wanted to know...

How do they affect our carbon footprint and stuff like that ect ect.