> Do you like the Arctic?

Do you like the Arctic?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if you do then you should sign Greenpeace's online petition to help protect it from overfishing and oil drilling at http://www.savethearctic.org/. It takes less than a minute.

Done. Don't let ignorant people get you down. The environmental consequences of an oil spill in the Arctic would be disastrous.

Fishing and oil drilling are part of the food chain. The funny part about CO2 (from fossil fuels - oil drilling) is that it benefits plants:

1) Higher CO2 creates a higher biomass in plants. A doubling of CO2 increases biomass by 40%. CO2 helps plants overcome drought conditions better.

2) “Research is showing that increases of 3, 4, and 5 times of CO2 increases will not have a detrimental effect on the Earth’s biosphere.” - Dr. Tim Patterson – Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University

3) “The amount of water used by plants to produce the same amount of growth is decreased with an increase of CO2.” - Dr. James Arthur Bunce – Agricultural Research Service, USDA

4) “The evidence of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere and will cause a disaster is between ‘slim’ and ‘none’. The evidence that shows increases of CO2 is beneficial and is lengthening the growing season is between ‘large’ and ‘overwhelming’.” - Dr. Patrick J. Michaels – Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia


The Greenpeace people kill and eat live plants. Do you think they will sign a petition to stop eating salads?

Will they sign a petition against polar bears eating fish?

Greenpeace is against civilisation as a whole. People try and make a living and help people live by providing food. Fish is a food! Get it? There's nothing detrimental about fossil fuels either.

A petition to let many 3rd world countries develop their own electrical grid would be more beneficial to man. 4 million children die every year from dysentery diseases because they don't have ways to filter and sterilise their water. 2 billion people don't have access to electricity because of people like Greenpeace. I'll save energy by not clicking on your website and put it to use on something more constructive. Thanks anyway!

Someone once asked me if I believed in global warming and asked if I would sign a petition to stop it. I said yes I do believe in global warming. It's called summer and it happens every year and asked why I would be insane to want to stop that. The idiot looked at me stupified. Obviously that was beyond his comprehension. And yes, the petition was for greenpeace.

What's the problem with drilling for oil?

I'm in favor of drilling in the Arctic. Is there a petition for that?

Yes I like the Arctic and we should try and protect it.

But consider us humans are here, we need food and energy, our crime is having so many babies, now the earth is so crowded that we cannot any longer expect nature to supply us. we need agriculture, fertilizers, irrigation, industry, shipping/transport. and of course energy for all of that. we cannot go back unless we rid earth of billions of people, are you prepared to do that.

I like the Arctic, but I wouldn't join those communist lowlifes for anything.

How do you equate disapproving of terrorist actions is hating the Arctic?

No I don't know-some people like the cold. not me.

Yes.No illegals



if you do then you should sign Greenpeace's online petition to help protect it from overfishing and oil drilling at http://www.savethearctic.org/. It takes less than a minute.