> What steps do you think the post office should take to prepare for so-called "global warming"?

What steps do you think the post office should take to prepare for so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is a deliberate attempt at propaganda. The agencies were ordered to conduct reviews, for the purpose of then being able to point to how all these government agencies are worried about global warming. They want more scare stories to frighten the public.

Ghost - it's Fahrenheit 451

Its going broke and more money to waste on useless stuff.

120 in the Winter? Are they moving to Mercury ?

They will need refrigerated mail sacks. Once paper reaches 450 degrees Celsius, it spontaneously combusts.

Run their trucks and aircraft on biodiesel.

wuv u

The post office is already preparing to deal with post offices and how to deliver to homes under water because of the drastic results of so-called "global warming" that are destined to flood the coasts. And they are getting ready to plan for maintenance to their vehicles and personal when temps start to exceed 120 in the winter. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/31/mail-climate-change_n_6085108.html

What other steps do you think the post office needs to take to insure they can still deliver the mail in a post apocalypse global warming world?