> Is the reasoning that normal people don't love their children because they won't go along with environmentalists

Is the reasoning that normal people don't love their children because they won't go along with environmentalists

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sure - It's as valid as any other argument they throw out there. If they throw enough out, the thinking is one of them has to stick, right?

It is an emotional bullsh!t argument, all normal people love their children and spend a lot of time considering what might be best for them. consider the national debt of the USA http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbnhEh...

Now is that something we should be saddling our children with, okay I am not an American (thank God) but climate change policies are going to make the children even poorer and the Chinese even richer, the U.S. owes most of it's money to China.

Lets think with some commonsense.

Yep. If you don't care about the world you leave your children then you do not love them.

This is what long term arguments are about, be they about government deficits, preservation of land, extinction of species, cleanliness of the ocean, sustainable food production, water management, ....

What non-thinkers call "liberal" means "protecting for our children". Putting yourself first is not loving another.

No, it's a non sequetur. Even stupid people love their children.

Perfectly valid you right winger hate everyone and everything including yourselves
