> How global warming effects animals?

How global warming effects animals?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The short answer is that no one really knows. The reason is that life on our planet is linked in complicated relationships - predator and prey, parasite and host, etc and changes can have knock on effects that no one predicted.

Many animals are affected in subtle ways by temperature. Some species actually change from asexual to sexual reproduction depending on the temperature of water. In a warming world, this could have significant impacts on populations in terms of disease resistance.

Temperature is also used by animals, such as whales and birds, as indications of when to start their migrations. If you imagine animals migrating to feeding grounds too early or too late because the temperatures are higher than normal then there could be all kinds of problems. Similarly, if regions become waterlogged or there are increased risks of drought then that could have major impacts on animals - elephants can't survive without large amounts of water, burrowing animals can't survive in flooded burrows.

Insects are also particularly susceptible. Temperature is an important factor in determining when insects hatch. Many species also need water to lay eggs or for their larval stages, so if global warming impacts local habitats then insect species may be put under additional pressure in some parts of the world. That might have impacts on pollination of plants and crops. If insects start to migrate due to changing temperatures and rainfall patterns, then they may introduce new diseases to animals traditionally not within their range.

So the effects are likely to put many species under stress.

Less than 1C is the current Global Warming. How does it have an "effect" on you? Most animals are in the same range when they have to deal with temperature changes. They make houses from nature too. Maybe we should dig holes in the ground to live in or live in the trees? Is there any real attraction between monkeys, apes, or orangutans when it comes to a loving and affectionate relationship with humans?

Evolutionary science shouldn't care about Global Warming. How does 'one' really know who or whom is in control of the climate? Is it up to evolutionary scientists (Global Warming Science) to decide who or whom is in control of the climate? Because that is who is saying that we do have control. :-)

Some experts claim that pets will suffer from the consequences of Global Warming.

I say these people have never had a cat!

My realization is that effect on animals due to global warming is enormous. It hits hard on their habitation. Their food chain is grossly disrupted and most importantly it causes ecological imbalance on their known environment. This may endanger their existence and have a chance to extinct.

Mostly it is probably allowing them to survive in greater numbers, to survive a winter, to eat more available food, etc. In a few instances it is probably causing them increased problems. You are from Canada so I don't have to tell you about winters and how difficult it is for animals to survive. Some have to fly south, some hibernate, and some squeek by. If it warms a bit, Canadian animals will likely not need to migrate in as big a number, they won't have to hibernate as long, and maybe they won't freeze in the winter.

What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle


0.87 degrees in 353 years. Tell us all which animal can't adapt to that. Even my wife can't sense that much temperature change in an hour.

It warms them up after a cold winter.

CO2 is increasing plant growth and causing deserts to recede, this bound to increase habitation for animals


Short term effects like drought and heatwaves and blizzards of course would have significant impacts. With climate changing permanently, they would need to adapt physically to the new climate and food sources could be eliminated requiring migration. best is to search:

your area

climate change

specific animal


may be

polar bears are the most visible ones- loss of arctic ice.

see links for other changes

It will shrink them or make them bigger .