> It looks like the Democrats are going to approve the XL Pipeline. Will their actions help or hurt so-called "global

It looks like the Democrats are going to approve the XL Pipeline. Will their actions help or hurt so-called "global

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It will not help or hurt AGW except in immeasurably small ways. It should have been approved a decade ago. Our country simply couldn't build anything big anymore. We couldn't build the Hoover Dam. We couldn't build a dam thing. We have too many obstacles built to prevent anything useful. We will probably build it after it no longer makes sense.

The Democrats are not going to approve anything. It might not even come up for a vote as Landrieu's election is looking hopeless. Plus they just received close to $100 million in funding from someone opposed to the pipeline. Obama has no interest in approving the pipeline, but it will be an opportunity to highlight his campaign stunt of 'approving' the Keystone Pipeline in 2012.

It's unlikely to have a direct effect on global warming. With oil prices plunging below tar sands production prices, it's also unlikely to get any business. The eminent domain legal actions will keep a lot of lawers busy, though.

Increasing access to oil, and thus lowering its price relative to alternatives, will increase global warming, especially since shale oil is very difficult (and thus energy-intensive and resource-intensive) to extract. Though I suppose a pipeline would cause less warming than using trucks to transport the oil, unless it was going somewhere fairly local.

In any case, it was likely approved for reasons more related to the economy (or to political double-dealing of some sort) than to the environment.

Chem got it right it was a political double dealing of some sort, to delay it in the first place.

Global warming is a crock. BUT, the governments use of eminent domain for private gain is just as bad.

i dont ****** know

Do you support the Democrats plan to approve the XL Pipeline as a means to bring oil from the Canadian Oil Sands to the Gulf instead of trucking it across two countries by train? How does the Democrats actions impact the so-called "global warming" argument? Does their actions help make the argument for so-called "global warming" stronger?