> Can you think of examples where some is good, but too much is bad?

Can you think of examples where some is good, but too much is bad?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Water - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles...

Sodium - http://extension.usu.edu/files/publicati...

Food - http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prev...

Basically pretty much anything. Too much oxygen in the air, too little oxygen in the air, and various other things will kill you or cause damage.

When talking about CO2 you have to determine what reaching an "equilibrium point" means. It is obvious that a 40% increase of CO2 in our atmosphere doesn't cause a 40% rise in temperatures. If alarmists can say that the extra CO2 can also cause cooling along with warming, then we have reached the "equilibrium point" already and don't seem to have strayed very far since the peak of the warming.

CO2 is not a poison nor does it have the extra warming effect that alarmists claim. There is clear evidence that more CO2 in the atmosphere is good and beneficial, but alarmists seem to always pass that fact by the wayward side. Science has clearly shown that more CO2 is good and that the greenhouse effect isn't exponentially raised by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere. The great equalizer is H2O and water vapor. Water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas and always will be.


Socialism (and we have gone way past just a little, Marx is no doubt doing the Jitterbug in his grave)

Government intrusion in the energy sector (again we are well into the too much at the wrong time and wrong place)

DA deniers don't have a leg to stand on. All their arguments are lame and they tend to include either non science or simply useless links. You can deny reality all you want but you can't erase it. They just have a bug up their "S" and it won't come out.

The think tanks thatr deny AGW are the same people who said second hand smoke wasn't harmful although it had been proven. Deniers have little to offer besides being a distraction.

Science is science and denying proven science is simply butt Frigging stupid.

Hi Chem I go with Radiation For example 20 min's of direct sunlight is good for us all, Vitamin D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D But to much sun can be a bad thing (sun burn ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunburn Cheers

Here's something else, low levels of this gas isn't to bad to much can be deadly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radon

Wine. A six ounce drink with dinner is good. Drinking a whole bottle at one sitting is real bad.

The simplest and easiest example is water. Water is the only known substance that we have found that is required for life to exist. We must drink water in order to survive, but what happens when we drink too much water?

Rain we all need it but too much means flooding.

Snow all beautiful but too much means avalanche


Exaggeration, some is good to get your point across but when you have to consistently exaggerate to make support your position it becomes ridiculous.

This question is a good example.

It isn't just denialists who seem to think that "good" and "bad" are inherent properties. Anti-nuclear activists want us to believe that ionizing radiation is inherently "bad" and anti-fluoride activists want us to believe that "fluoride" is inherently bad.

But here are some examples where some is good, but too much is bad.


All essential vitamins

All essential minerals.



A lot of denialist arguments seem to rely on the idea that "good" and "bad" are inherent properties, rather than situational ones, so if something is good, more of it is better, and it's good anywhere and everywhere, and if something is bad in any place or circumstance, it is always bad in all places and circumstances. Variations include "it's bad when things are too cold, so warmer is always better" and "plants need CO2, so more CO2 will always be better for plants".

So, I'd like everyone to list things that are good or necessary at a certain level, or under certain circumstances, but that are bad if you have too much of them or have them in the wrong place or at the wrong time. If possible, please list things where the space between "not enough" and "too much" is relatively narrow, and/or highly situation dependent.

As usual, sources are always welcome.

That applies to almost everything, except perhaps money.

Your Premise would be totally static. That's the Alarmist mantra, nobody bites that hook. I just think alarmist are control freaks. So far they haven't convinced me otherwise.

When you greenies think, that is good. But if you think too much and think man is a bad thing, that is really bad.

1) Shooting bullets at inanimate models of people.

2) Shooting bullets at actual people.