> More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. Global Warming?

More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is the extinction myth.

For 30 years some have suggested that extinctions through tropical forest loss are occurring at a rate of up to 100 species a day and yet less than 1,200 extinctions have been recorded in the last 400 years. http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets...

And when a species is declared extinct, many times the species is found later alive and well. Allow me to introduce 714,000 instances of "thought extinct" into the record. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22thoug...

Can we even say for sure that all the dinosaurs and so called prehistoric sea creatures are dead? I don't know, if you are going to say that --- then what the heck is this thing that washed up on Spanish beach just last August 2013? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...


When I was in grade school the teachers were telling the kids that the American buffalo had been hunted to extinction by the Indians --- nope. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Bi...


Actually, the correct percentage and phrase is: over 98% of documented species are now extinct. The keyword here is 'documented' which means fossils of these species have been found and examined.


Yet it doesn't mean that all those species went extinct because of a climatic change.


Oh dear...

'Natural Selection' IS evolution. It was Charles Darwin (ever heard of him?) who first coined the phrase.

Well more than 90%. Sometimes it was global warming, sometimes global cooling, sometimes the droughts associated with global warming. A lot can happen in a few billion years. The problem nowadays is not so much that the world is warming and precipitation patterns are shifting. It is the unprescedented rate at which this is happening. Plants and animals are unable to emigrate to more benign climes before they are wiped out.

Nah... The Earth's just been around a LONG Time. And there's been a LOT of Natural Selection- along the Way... :)

Those that believe in evolution should think again. What is observed is the opposite of that. They are a prime example of scientists believing the opposite of What is happening.

It is the same with global warming and CO2. they claim a connection when the reverse is observed.

Our language is reported to have started with a series of grunts and evolved to the peak that we have today. When we look at the ancient languages they seem more complex than now and our languages are being simplified all the time. Our scientists are writing their conclusions before they do the observations.



Of course the way data is compiled / analyzed changes for various reasons. I think both sites go into that.

Fossil records

It's a guess.

How does science actually know this? Who or whom is documenting these species that are becoming extinct? This is a Global Warming question because Global Warming effects all of life even if it pertains to ocean waters.