> Does one German non-scientist blogger on Wattsup prove that we are spending billions on climate change?

Does one German non-scientist blogger on Wattsup prove that we are spending billions on climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Deniers like to pretend that if climate science had not been hijacked by the international socialist conspiracy there would be unlimited cheap energy and economic nirvana for all.

The opinion of “one German non-scientist blogger on Wattsup” is just another piece of evidence suggesting that the generalization, “Deniers are stupid liars” might be the only exception to the generalization that ‘there are exceptions to every generalization’.

I took a look at his Picture 1, in which part of the caption reads "...The German population is burdened with an ever-growing financial commitment". I was particularly impressed by his use of the term "ever-growing", since what was plotted was cumulative--in other words, it was ever-growing because it's cumulative! In fact, you could see that the change in "commitment" had gone down in recent years.

What's worse than his attempting to mislead with "cumulative" is that he doesn't define commitment, give his sources, or distinguish between real and projected data. This is one of the reasons that things like this are published on blogs, rather than in print--no competent editor would let a graph like this into his or her publication without knowing where it comes from.

I guess he should be commended then for Picture 2 because he gives a source, transparency.eex.com (which I suspect is some anti-renewable website). From this picture he draws a remarkably surprising scientific conclusion that should astonish everyone--THE SUN DOES NOT SHINE AT NIGHT. Wow! Aren't you just amazed by the depth of his analysis?

Does Anthony Watts even read this stuff he posts, or is there just a checklist where if an article is anti-AGW or pro-fossil fuel it has passed his "peer review"?

Just for fun I've been spending some time R&S of answers and the similarities between deniers and the religious nutters is amazing.

For instance how often have you seen deniers accusing those who accept AGW as followers of a cult or religion. Same there, the fanatics all claim Atheists are followers of a religion or cult. They can't see how people can possibly 'not belong'. How can you/dare you think for yourself?

They regurgitate dogma repeatedly. Never stopping to examine it for validity or common sense. The Bible said it so must be so. My leader told me so it must be so. Its on Wattsup so must be gospel.

They ignore any and all thoughts that differ from the instruction sheet.

So it is clear 'deniers' are in the same frame of mind as religious fanatics, you cannot reason with such people, you cannot convince them with logic or rational argument or evidence or science. They are not in their right mind for that.

Then of course there are those who know perfectly well that they are lying.

My answer to Kano's question.

So Anthony Watts is against clean energy. That is the sort of agenda of which we should be suspicious.

From the link;

"Whole sectors such as solar and wind energy farms have grown like mushrooms promising to supply our nations with so-called clean and green energy.

"These sectors have one common mark distinguishing them from normal business activities. They do not provide us with a better or a cheaper product, one that we would want to buy, but rely on subsidies guaranteed by legal frameworks instead. "

How much do I need to read to know that AW is against clean energy?

Walaka F

< the fanatics all claim Atheists are followers of a religion or cult.>

Atheism is a dogmatic belief that God does not exist.

< They can't see how people can possibly 'not belong'.>

I have no trouble with people not belonging. Ever hear of agnostics?

I'd never accuse atheists of thinking for themselves. Unless we are talking about former atheists, like C. S. Lewis and Francis Collins. They thought for themselves and determined that God is real.

That sounds like atheists to me.

Richard Dawkins

<------ speaking of Einstein

I have given up contributing to ANY of these conversations. Why? Because the only people who contribute on the Anti-AGCC side are deniers.

They are NOT skeptics

They are NOT uncertain

They are NOT wanting to know more to help decide

I used to think like the rest of you supporters that if we just blast them with enough scientific evidence and logic that eventually they will see the light.

They won't.

They can't HANDLE the truth (thanks Jack!)

Whoops! Meant to say that I look now for honest discussions, and not for arguments.
