> Does this statement still hold true as it relates to the climate and CO2 levels?

Does this statement still hold true as it relates to the climate and CO2 levels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Bad thought processes on your part. Natural forcings have always lead to any change in our planet's history. We are contributing greatly to one of these forcings now by our introduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Higher levels of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere will naturally lead to higher levels of warming of our climate. You see, it is all natural. What is unnatural this time around is that it is us that is raising the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Have no fear, the planet will respond to this practice in a most natural way of doing so. ... Physics, anyone?

>>C - I see that you entirely missed the point about CO2 levels and their irrelevance to past Global average temperatures.<<

He missed it because it is wrong, ignores/denies phyics, and because he doesn't read Stupid (the official Denier language).


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>>I guess that 4400ppm CO2 level and 12C Global average temperature 450 million years ago was a real drag on the climate since it was almost 3C cooler at that time. Either our science was bad when they dug that up in paleontology science, or we have scrapped that part of science altogether in favor of blaming human emissions.<<

Here is a map of the continents 450 mya.


Now, look at it real hard and see if you can spot anything that is different from the world today.

Not sure what you mean by breath. Do know the oceans act as a sponge, so wonder what the saturation point might be turning inhale into exhale. To do a takeoff of a recent car ad like the word AND better. How many 'ands' can Earth take before the movement of electrons that produced the ice caps reaches Mars levels. Scientific American had an interesting article years ago on the historical natural effects on the climate, so believe the more ands you add or do not eliminate plays with the balance. But really wonder if the whole process is more complicated. If space truly was a vacuum no heat or cold would leave Earth, so wonder if area of the Universe Earth is in or amount of star stuff that produce Solar Winds plays a factor or adds another and. For me the immediate answer that breathing a clean atmosphere is more enjoyable than a dirty one is reason enough to push to clean things up.

What is unnatural this time is alarmists are alive now and they hate industry and human caused things so it must be humans this time because they are alive and everything revolves around them. CO2 isn't a driver of climate. It appears to be more of an indication of the earth's temperature directly resulting from warming the ocean. Human emissions at most account for only a quarter of the CO2 in the atmosphere. This means that human emission are at most one in 4*50 or one in 200th what is in the ocean. I feel those thumbs down coming my way because alarmists, above all else, don't like their cult threatened.

you fail to mention any other factors. 30 million years later were there more volcanoes, changes in insolation/orbit etc.

climate responds to a number of forces, including CO2. It does not matter if that CO2 is natural or not.

When did it ever hold true

"Natural causes play the most important role in climate variations rather than human activity since natural factors are substantially more powerful." Not true


Kano, you're always claiming that the effect of carbon dioxide is logarithmic. It cannot be both logarithmic AND saturated. It is NOT saturated.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas however at over 150ppm it is fully saturated and plays little part in climate changes.

"The overall content of CO2 in the ocean is 50x higher than in the atmosphere and even a weak breath of the ocean can change dramatically the CO2 level of the atmosphere. - Natural causes play the most important role in climate variations rather than human activity since natural factors are substantially more powerful."

330 million years ago (according to paleontology) the average temperature of the Planet was 20C with CO2 levels at 300ppm and 30 million years later (300 million years ago) the average temperature was 12C with the same CO2 levels (300ppm).

"Bad science" in the past? ... or "bad science" today?