> This story makes me wonder how many global warming scientists also fake data for money?

This story makes me wonder how many global warming scientists also fake data for money?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Call me suspicious but I doubt a lot of what those so called professors claim.

They caught him. Science takes fraud very seriously. Scientists don't get away with it for very long. Climatologists may get some things wrong, but they don't do it on purpose. They'd endanger their careers.


Dr. Paul Wheeler, who's medical views appeared to be outside the mainstream, was payed to testify on behalf of the coal companies. Sadly autopsies proved conclusively that Dr. Paul Wheeler was "wrong".

what does global warming have to do with a fake AIDs vaccine?

and yes I will call you suspicious.

One bad apple.

Wouldn't a corrupt climatologist sell out to big oil?

You should also wonder how many denialist so called "scientists" lie for money. That's where the real money is.


Call me suspicious but I doubt a lot of what those so called professors claim.