> Will global warming followed by global freezing?

Will global warming followed by global freezing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Some scientists say, that global warming will be followed by freezing. What do you think?

Yes that's possible, Russian scientists are saying that we could be going into a little ice age http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/04/29/ru...

We are in a interglacial now (between ice-ages) which usually lasts 10.000yrs but it is now 12.000yrs so you could say we are overdue http://www.sott.net/image/image/s1/37034...

Contrary to what these warmers are saying we did have an ice-age when CO2 was many times higher during the ordovician period, you can see on this graph the ice-age was when CO2 was over 4000ppm also at the same time the ice age ended CO2 was falling (not much correlation there)

There is nothing any government or scientist can do to prevent the next ice age that will kill millions of people, however as humans we can migrate and use warmer weather to our advantage.

Historically Europe was a lot warmer in the middle ages than it is now. People were growing grapes in the uk which is nearly impossible at the moment, and there were a lot less people and a lot lower man made CO2 in those days - so who was responsible for the warming then? The people were not that is for sure.

Then in the 1700- 1800 frost fairs were held on the river thames as it completely froze over. This mini Ice age lasted about 200 years. Did people do anything to cause this? No, certainly not. They were burning as much as they could to keep warm.

Too much emphasis is put on human causes, when the real elephant in the room is fuel dependancy. Without oil - there will be riots, governments overthrown, wars, collapse of economy. This is the real reason for the search for alternatives.

Mr P is right on, but he does not add the critical observation that those who would blame "global warming" on human activity fail to understand that human activity is the result of a lack of population control. We will not even consider the implications of the term " global warming" when another, less prejudicial term, "Climate change" could be used... Until there is a global policy to control population, don't bother talking about "global warming" with all its conotations. Likewise, do not blame anything on "human activity", then dare suggest that the human population, as an whole, will alter their behaviours and suddenly "solve" the problem.

Wrong. Some scientists do not say that. Stop reading and posting goofy stuff.

No there will not be global freezing.

No there are not scientists to say that.

No Global Warming ended last year in 2012. the weather your getting is like it was in the 1970's before global Warming. Mike

could be. Just look at the historical cycle of the earth. I don't know who to believe. Inconvenient truth from al gore has a graph that shows c02 levels rising as technology increases which infers that its man caused warming. I found out later that graph had another line in it that he deleted, it was a heat signature and the c02 line followed it exactly but about 400 years behind, showing that its really the natural heating and cooling cycle of the earth that dictates c02 levels. Who do you believe. Lots of "scientists" have an agenda and its hard to tell who is who.....(((((9 I don't remember the name of the scientist that did that research but he is the utmost authority and he is the one that did the graph for Al Gore. Gore just removed the heat signature bar. I remember the guy went back something like 600,000 years and was testing the ice plugs to get the data. Hes the only one to have gone back that far and hes supposed to be the most knowledgeable climatologist of all of them. Maybe Google. Hes older guy.))))

Alph: Why would solar output change the fact that c02 follows the natural progression of heating and cooling of the earth? Besides his graph went all the way through the industrial age. Just wondering.

please supply a reference for that claim. The Earth as a whole will keep warming up as long as greenhouse gases keep increasing. There has never been an ice age with the current concentration of CO2 and solar output.

EDIT.. KANO fails to mention that around 444 million years ago, the solar output was considerably lower while continents were positioned differently. This is misleading and deceptive at best.

Excuse me, which scientists say that?

Can you point to even one?

That's not paid by fox news or the energy industry.


The tiny bit of 20th century warming we will look back on fondly in winters to come wondering what all the fuss was about

What warming? Temperatures have remained flat for 15 years.

Some scientists say, that global warming will be followed by freezing. What do you think?

I think natural oscillations have occurred in the climate for billions of years and will continue to happen for billions of years regardless of how humanity tries to tax itself into poverty and starvation an attempt "fix it."

Not likely AGW may last 150 years or more. We are not due for an ice age for 10-20,000 years. We may see some cooling but I don't believe it will be very serious

no, they're opposite temperatures

humans are too puny to change climate

