> How do the human-caused increases in CO2 and CH4 since the industrial revolution compare to the last Ice Age?

How do the human-caused increases in CO2 and CH4 since the industrial revolution compare to the last Ice Age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The claim of a "Human Manipulation Virus" confirms yet again the study that shows climate change deniers are either extreme free marketeers or conspiracy theorists. [1]

The facts are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere. There is not one scientist who denies these facts although the extreme free marketeers and conspiracy theorists try to. Skepticalscience dot com keeps a list of the more common denier myth and debunks each and every one of them, so lets have a look at some of them.

The claim "It's not bad" is denier myth number 3.

The claim "Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions" is denier myth number 33.

The claim "Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas" is denier myth number 35.

The claim "CO2 is not the (only) driver of climate" is denier myth number 93.

Go through the answers yourself and check the claims on Skepticalscience dot com [2] if you can be bothered.

The Wiki article has some decent graphs and a good basic explanation. Note that CO2 rise lags temperature rise at the end of glaciation episodes (we're still in an ice age) so most of the temperature change must be due to other causes. Some of those causes are feedbacks that respond to temperature change no matter what the original basis for the change - total water vapor is an obvious one. When temperatures rise due to forcing from the CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere, those other feedbacks will continue to operate. It's also worth noting that our additional input is on top of CO2 near the peak of a cycle that has been there or lower since before humans were around.

There is no comparison. At the end of the last Ice Age, the Earth lowly warmed, over thousands of years, from freezing conditions, to more normal temperate conditions, The present increase since the Industrial Revolution is only a few degrees, and has happened several times in the Earth's history. Latest records show the average world temperature has leveled out over the last few years, and, as we cannot forecast sun activity, or any other natural cycles or phenomena, we cannot accurate predict how the temperature will move. It may rise by a few degrees, It may stay relatively stable, it may fall a few degrees. The only thing we now know for certain, is that the 'climate scientists' and supporters, have been feeding false and distorted data for many years, on the extent, or even the main cause of the change.

There is no instrumental data from the last Ice Age. It's all proxy data. Today's instrumental data has a virus in it. It's called the "Human Manipulation Virus". It's very hard to be absolute about our past but we do know these atmospheric chemical formulas (CO2 and CH4) have been much higher. Scientists function on theories. Most of the evidence is based on climate models and those have proven time and again to be totally wrong because the models can't accurately predict cloud formation.

If we had climate scientists running climate models back then, then we'd have a clue. Instrumental data wasn't available back then and this data is still being manipulated to prove that "Global Warming" is happening and is caused by humans. Ice core data reflects that CO2 is driven by temperatures and not the other way around. They will claim that increases of CO2 drive temperatures but our history reflects a different story. The Greenhouse Gas Theory doesn't accurately depict our climate. 70% of our planet's surface is water. Oceans have a great effect on temperatures. In a greenhouse there are no lakes, oceans, or even running streams.


Lets start with listing all of the greenhouse gases and their percentages:

Water vapor 96.9% CO2 1.9% Methane 0.6% CFCs 0.4%


1) At any one time water vapor accounts for between 36% - 70% of the total greenhouse gas effects. When clouds are included this jumps to 66% - 86%

2) CO2 accounts for 9% - 27% of the greenhouse effect and man's activities account for 3% of the total CO2

0.03 x (0.09 - 0.27) = 0.0027 - .0081 = 0.27% minimum to 0.81% at the most


CO2 is not a driver of our climate!


justme - the rise in global temperature maxed out in 1998. This was 0.75 C above the established normal global temperature. Most of that increase (0.45 C) happened between 1905 and 1940 when CO2 by humans was still relatively low.

Well human caused increase in greenhouse gasses is less than 1%, oh yes you will be told that we have increased Co2 by 40% but in the full spectrum Co2 is a minor player, I do not know we have increased CH4 much.

Yes there will be some increase in temperatures but not much, most is down to natural cycles, plus a little warming is definitely a good thing, cooling would be very damaging for us humans.

It suggests nothing.

How could it, when as of yet no link between co2 levels and climate change has been established or proved ?

Burning fossil fuels reintroduces carbon back into the system where it once was when life on earth was more bountiful. Nothing bad about that.

How do the human-caused increases in CO2 and CH4 since the industrial revolution compare to the increases at the end of the last Ice Age? What does this suggest about the amount of warming we might expect over the coming decades and centuries, given the increase in CO2 and CH4 that has already occurred?

Any help would be great!!!! Thanks :)