> Should the US set up a critical habitat for polar bears?

Should the US set up a critical habitat for polar bears?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Other then feeding them there is little we can do as they need the ice to hunt on.

The claim "Polar bear numbers are increasing" is denier myth number 36 on Skepticalscience dot com a useful site that keeps a list of the more common denier claims and debunks each and every one of them.

What is the point of setting up a "critical" habitat? How about a non critical reserve? How do you set up a habitat? Presumably it means setting aside some land where polar bears can survive. They are doing fine without us setting up critical habitats. They are already a protected species and Alaska has more land put aside than most states have land.

Contrary to popular belief and to the media, polar bear numbers are increasing, don't believe everything your told without checking first.

The famous photo of a polar bear standing on a tiny ice flow, was photo-shopped. and is a forgery that's what modern journalists do these days.

They live in Canada and Alaska .

The U.S. is ruining enough of the world as is, they shouldn't be involved in whether or not a species becomes endangered. If they die off then that's life, we can only hope the human species dies off soon to save the rest of the planet...

No. Polar bear populations have been increasing since the 1950s. They are not in danger of becoming extinct.

We would have to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to do that.

we already do it is called a ZOO