> Even though they are not being paid?

Even though they are not being paid?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Deniers of the low-level frequently posting here, who could not pass a high school science test, have little clue what science is or how it differs from politics.


The world is not fooled in the slightest by the juvenile deceptions of the moronic tea-bag-brain fake conservatives who have taken over the U.S. Republican Party.

From the two lead articles in the latest issue of the UK's Economist:


"No way to run a country- The Land of the Free is starting to look ungovernable. Enough is enough.

House Republicans need to get their priorities straight. They should pass a clean budget resolution without trying to refight old battles over Obamacare. They should also vote to raise the debt ceiling (or better yet, abolish it). If Obamacare really does turn out to be a flop and Republicans win the presidency and the Senate in 2016, they can repeal it through the normal legislative process."


"By all means question climate policies. But facts are facts

The decade-and-a-half to 2013 was unusual because it also saw a big rise in carbon-dioxide emissions, which, all things being equal, should have pushed up temperatures everywhere, and didn’t. And that raises important questions: why have sea temperatures risen but not air temperatures? Is more heat going into the deep oceans? Is the climate reacting more slowly to rising concentrations of CO2? But these are questions about how the climate is changing, not whether it is. They do not yet mean global warming itself has hit the pause button...Some worries about global warming are prompted by the extravagance of some climate policies. In particular, European subsidies for solar and wind, which are hugely expensive, are doing little to cut emissions. But reservations about the policies should not be used as reasons for denying the facts.

The House has already passed a bill to keep the US Weather Service open. So any shutdown should be placed at the hands of the Senate and the Democrats who voted against it.

Alph, that employee wouldn't even be there. Her purpose is to make the public pay for the shutdown. The President is holding the parks hostage until he gets what he wants, and barricading any parks and other federal lands, spending money to do so. He even kicked people out of there house, just because it was sitting on federal land.

What? All of the politicians are to blame but it's the democrats who got us into this mess with no budget and an insatiable appetite for idiocy and spending that unlike global warming is truly unprecedented

It has nothing to do with tea baggers, scientist, or warmonism. It is about pulling their heads out and atleast make an effort at being fiscally responsible.

there are other government workers on the job without pay. This parks employee stood up to a GOP tea bagger congressman.

Obviously, you have a terrible grasp of American politics. The liberal demoRats have the Presidency AND the Senate, Republicans only carry the house, therefore, how can a 'shutdown' be blamed on the minority? DemoRats have said time and time again that they will NOT negotiate. Don't believe the lame-stream media, stop being so naive. Anyway, what type of President harasses and threatens military veterans? A cowardly one.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold on there denier boy. The snow storm is obviously CLIMATE CHANGE.

"Scientists don't have faith and the faithful don't have reason."

Even though they are not being paid, thanks to the tea baggers, the U. S. weather service warned about Saturday's snow storm.

Do people still believe that scientists are the bad guys, even after this?

And the snow storm is WEATHER.