> Do you think it'll be harder to breathe on our planet in the future?

Do you think it'll be harder to breathe on our planet in the future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
because of all the pollution and green house gases, do you think in the future it will be harder to breathe on our planet?

Only if you decide you want to live underwater.

I don't know. Right now is certainly harder to breath for most humans than ever before. Mickey's is a good answer ... in part. In the U.S. and Western Europe, breathing was much worse in the 1970s than it is now. The developed world took great steps to improve the quality of the air that we breath and we do not suffer the degree of smog that we did a generation ago. If the highly populated less developed parts of the world develop the environmental controls that the developed world did, then the air can get cleaner. But remember that in this country we have to fight for clean air. There are always conservatives who hate environmentalists and resent the steps we have taken for clean air and clean water and want to undo what we have done. Assuming that environmentalism can win out in China, Mexico, India and other highly populated countries -- and that environmentalism is not reversed in the U.S. and Western Europe -- breathing will be easier for future generations.

Its certainly possibly. Consider the state that Beijing is in right now, and then take into account the rate at which the world in industrializing. It would take a very, very long time for all of us to experience what the unlucky souls in Beijing experience on a daily basis, and by that time we more than likely will have found greener, more efficient ways of manufacturing and transportation- that's something that you also have to consider. Each year more and more funding and media attention is brought onto the issue of pollution and global warming. A steady rate of increase of jobs in environmental sectors has also been reported, as if its not evident enough. Possible, but very unlikely.

It honestly does depend, at an accelerated rate of pollution like Bejiing it will be very difficult to breathe. However, over a period of time of steady increase, we can adapt. It is like the people who live high altitudes where oxygen is minimal, humans do adapt. So in a way, it is the luck of the draw.


In a billion years when the Sun turns into a red giant and the Earth starts melting .

It may become a reality if we continue destroying the ecosystem.


because of all the pollution and green house gases, do you think in the future it will be harder to breathe on our planet?