> Is this label of calling true scientists 'liars' along with 'deniers' by the saviors of the earth going

Is this label of calling true scientists 'liars' along with 'deniers' by the saviors of the earth going

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is a organized effort to muzzle scientists who don't follow the political ideology on so-called "global warming". Their reputation is attacked, then their funding is cut or removed, then they burn their books. Just look at Dr. Judith Curry or Dr. William Gray for just two examples.

The few scientists who deny climate change are all on the payroll of fossil fuel companies. It's the same ploy tobacco companies pulled with paid/fake doctors when the cancerous effects of smoking were proven. The oil industry did the exact same thing with leaded gas back in the 1940's.

Jello, talking about Judith Curry and William Gray, claims that people are going to "burn their books." I find that laughable, because I would be willing to bet that no denier--excuse me, "true scientist"--has ever even looked at their scientific writings. Personally, I not only own a book by Judith Curry, it is the book we used for atmospheric thermodynamics when I was getting my Ph.D. in Climate Science. It is not my favorite book on atmospheric thermodynamics, but it's a good book (although with a cheap binding).

As far as I know, William Gray hasn't written any books, unless you want to count his Ph.D. thesis. However, he certainly has a large mass of papers on hurricanes and was a pioneer in the field. He started the field of seasonal hurricane forecasting, although it doesn't seem particularly accurate.

Personally, the only people I call liars ARE liars. William Gray is not a liar. However, he calls himself a denier--he gave the talk immediately following mine at an AMS meeting a few years ago, and he said that he was an AGW denier, so I won't disagree with him.

It is raw meat for the fellow believers. I don't think it will add to their ranks but then again lack of warming lately isn't doing their ranks much good either. They got a real shellacking in the recent elections. The left woke up the sleeping giant and lots of people now see the results of their agenda. They are on the wrong side of history. Their ideas are old and failed, yet they will always have some that are gullible to their ideas.

yes if these 'true' scientists are the 3%

It's true, why are you so scared of the truth?

No; the significant temperature trend is what matters. In the unlikely event that this does flatten or become negative, then we will all become a lot more "skeptical". If, on the other hand, the trend continues to rise, then the more reasonable "skeptics" will get on board with the scientific majority, leaving only a handful of die-hard Republican Young Earth Creationists types, to continue to proclaim UHI, Sun, Liberal, faked, God won't allow it etc.

This regardless of what people on your side are called by some of those on our side.

Theists have ben denying science for about 6000 years. Even going to far as tp persecute execute "heretics" saying things they didn't want to hear that "went against god."

Naturally, the moment it was pointed out that the science could benefit the theists - it became "totally from god and acceptable". No apology for the murdered of course.

True scientists? By who's definition?

Science observes, tests and reproduces. Science cannot observe, test or reproduce the origin of mankind, but God has explained in very scientific terms which are validated by nature. Evolution has no validation in nature.

/wait who is who? I think no am I right if I'm not then I meant yes.

the intelligent will know the truth. the foolish will believe anything a man tells them