> Would you rather have a warm climate or cold one?

Would you rather have a warm climate or cold one?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
My opinion is warm climate because we will be able to grow more food and more rain which means more fresh water to drink. Explain your opinion.

Warm is better than cold.

I'd rather have a climate that's not changing rapidly.

Most life forms need a specific range of temperatures. For example, many grain crops grow best in relatively cool conditions, which is why places like Canada tend to be breadbaskets of the world. If the world is changing, then we'll have to move all of our farms, or change what we grow on those farms, if we want to keep growing good crops. Slower-growing sessile life forms, like corals and large trees, may not be able to move to their new optimal location, and forests and coral reefs are very valuable to us. And so on.

And, remember, in a warmer world, there will likely be more rain--but also more evaporation. And some of that rain will fall in places where it's not useful to us, like on the ocean or in an area that's already getting more rain than it can use. So we won't necessarily have more fresh drinking water, and in fact may have less.

A tropical climate is a climate of the tropics. In the K?ppen climate classification it is a non-arid climate in which all twelve months have mean temperatures of at least 18 °C (64 °F). Unlike the extra-tropics, where there are strong variations in day length and temperature, with season, tropical temperature remains relatively constant throughout the year and seasonal variations are dominated by precipitation.

Personally, I like it hot. But that doesn't mean I want the Earth to warm, I could just move to a warmer place.

Warmer does not necessarily mean we will be able to grow more food. Death Valley is the hottest place in the world, and there is no agriculture at all there. It also doesn't necessarily mean more rain where we need it. You can have torrents of rain in the tropical Pacific, but if you live in a climate that's dry now, it may just get drier as the Earth warms.

Most people would prefer a warm climate. But all they have to do is move to one. Greenland and Antarctica must be kept cold to keep the ice from melting and flooding millions of square miles of land. And crops need rain to grow.

If anyone doesn't like the climate of Greenland or Antarctica, or someplace cool and wet enough for crops, don't go there.

It's funny how many denailsts claim to believe in God, and yet they want us to believe that He made our world too cold to grow food.

We are still in an Ice-Age and sea level was over 200 feet higher than it is now, before this Ice-Age began. This interglacial ,(The Holocene) has existed for almost 15,000 years. Any century it could end, and when it does, within 100 years no one will be living in Canada or Great Britain anymore. And within 300 years after it ends the entire Manhattan Skyline will have been scraped off the island by advancing glaciers. I pick warm weather.


It is a fact that life thrives in the warmth, and struggles to survive in the cold.

Just look at the difference between the tropics and cold temperate areas, the tropics number and diversity of species is a thousand times greater.

There are more people close to the Equator than there are in the Arctic and Antarctica. That should answer that question for you.

Lol the warmunist deniers cringe when they answer that a warm climate is better.

Well too bad you don't realize that longer growing seasons which mean more pesticides and more herbicides which both produce more water pollution. Plus too bad you didn;t realize that it also means more water to keeps the crops alive and the world has a limited amount of fresh water and it means LESS water to drink and where on Earth did you get the idea it means more rain??????????????

ask Texas or Australia if hot is good. You still need water for crops. It's not a given that there will be more rain everywhere.

My opinion is warm climate because we will be able to grow more food and more rain which means more fresh water to drink. Explain your opinion.

Warm climate is much better.

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. Of course the advocates of man-made Global Warming try to deny this fact, but the evidence is overwhelming. http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...
