> Why are the environmentalists so hell-bent on getting people to believe in Global Warming?

Why are the environmentalists so hell-bent on getting people to believe in Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
just wondering.

If you want to promote a political agenda using flawed logic and science, you have to really sell your case. There is no other example in science where skeptics are compared to holocaust deniers etc.

Marxism nearly died in the 1980s but the rats fled the sinking ship and those that survived landed on the "green" island. They then figured out how to push their brand of Marxism behind the curtain of the environment. Marxists have tried various things from class envy (still a favorite) to nationalist to eco-Marxism etc. If you don't want their solutions, you are for dirty air and dirty water. They developed religious-like rituals like recycling and other "sustainable" and "smart" things. They were on a crusade to save the planet from humans and anyone that got in their way just wasn't as smart as them and they didn't care as much about the planet. Everything that was free market was demonized and everything about the centralized government was encouraged.

I think you mean "scientists".

You should educate yourself as to what we actually know about climate.

The National Academy of Sciences is the voice of the top scientists in America


The Royal Society is the voice of the top scientists in U.K.


There are virtually zero people who study climate who do not believe human activity is causing the global climate to warm. Zero.

And contrary to what some insane people post on this site, the study of physics does cause one to become a Marxist.

For the same reason that environmentalists have been trying, and/or have tried in the past, to get people to believe in endangered species, or acid rain, or ozone layer depletion, and so on. The first step to *solving* a problem is figuring out what it *is*, and acknowledging that it *exists*. If we don't do those things, then we won't ever even make baby steps towards actually solving the problem.

It's not environmentalists. It's liberal socialists pushing the agenda because they are hell bent on scaring people into adopting bigger government, higher taxes, destruction of wealth, and destruction of capitalism, and implementing a new world social order based on UN agenda 21.

Notice how these global warming cultists are always attacking western developed civilizations and not developing countries like China and India. They are demanding that capitalist countries redistribute wealth to the 3rd world.

Global Warming ended in 2012. Mike

Because it's not like we can pack up all our stuff and move to another planet when this one stops working.

Greenpeace co-founder Peter Moore:

"We do not have any scientific proof that we are the cause of the global warming that has occurred in the last 200 years…The alarmism is driving us through scare tactics to adopt energy policies that are going to create a huge amount of energy poverty among the poor people. It’s not good for people and it’s not good for the environment…In a warmer world we can produce more food.”

Peter Moore when asked who is responsible for promoting unwarranted climate fear and what their motives are, said:

“A powerful convergence of interests. Scientists seeking grant money, media seeking headlines, universities seeking huge grants from major institutions, foundations, environmental groups, politicians wanting to make it look like they are saving future generations. And all of these people have converged on this issue.”

Scientist David Kear:

“A huge international bureaucratic industry was born – with Cabinet Ministers, government departments, company sections, travel, conferences, treaties, carbon credits, and carbon trading, and very much more. The challenge was often heard that we must curb our carbon emissions or sacrifice our grandchildren’s well-being. In truth, those children were being saddled with a gigantic debt to pay for everything encompassed by the Warmers’ “carbon footprints”, including the salaries and expenses of the loudest proponents.”

“The widespread obsession with Global-Warming-Climate-Change, in opposition to all factual evidence, is quite incredible. It leads to unfair treatment of some citizens, and a massive bill for all, for nothing useful. When will citizens revolt effectively against such callous disregard for their observations and wishes, by those who are essentially their elected employees?”


Maybe it's not just the radical environmentalists:


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."



Get back to us toward the end of summer, after you see how much more you have to pay for food.


But then again, maybe you're one of the "education is bad for you" crowd, that thinks all of those PhD folks don't understand, and that your common sense is much more believable.

Because it is true and they are reacting to all the BS the deniers put out there.

just wondering.