> Climate change,what is it,evaluation etc?

Climate change,what is it,evaluation etc?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You appear to be lazywebbing your homework.

I'm not going to spoon-feed you the exact answers, but I will provide some sources that will hopefully be of use (don't worry, no videos)







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

This sounds like homework.

We know from history that climate changes (I mean we had ice ages didn't we)

Well the evidence is that temperature went up during the 80's and 90's but now the temperature is stable no rise for the last 15yrs.

It could the orbits of the planets around the sun, the tilt angle of the earth, solar cycles (sunspot activity) volcanoes, ocean currents and ocean phenomena such as the Pacific multi decadal oscillation and so on. plate tectonics, it is unlikely to be CO2 as the warming effect of CO2 logarithmically diminishes as concentrations rise, and most of it's warming is done with the first 100ppm.

Climate change along with increased CO2 is causing plant biomass to increase, increased food crop production, deserts receding (the Sahara and Kalahari) it's making our planet greener.

Why would we want to slow climate change when there is no significant change, and anyway a warmer greener planet is nice.

The Adaptation Strategies Cluster develops, applies and communicates knowledge supporting governments and stakeholders in the development of adaptation strategies. Development of adaptation strategies requires insights in:

>impacts of climate change;

>adaptation options;

>performance of these options.

The Adaptation Strategies Cluster develops and applies knowledge and tools that support these three steps in the process of developing adaptation strategies (figure 1). The key scientific challenge is to combine disciplinary knowledge and to develop an integrated methodology.

Watch these, they explain it all.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Explain what climate change is?

・ Evaluate the evidence that proves the climate is changing? (why should we believe it?)

・ Compare theories about what could be causing climate change? (Is it man or is it nature?)

・ Predict - How might climate change effect different parts of the world?

・ Propose - What can we do to slow climate change down?