> Can someone give me research topics relating to climate change?

Can someone give me research topics relating to climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have an assignment due in a week and I need to create a research topic on climate change plus I need to formulate research questions based on the topic chosen. So any ideas?

what grade are you in and what class is it for? If you are still in secondary education, then try ocean acidification. You can talk about the chemistry of increasing atmospheric CO2 diffusing into the ocean and lowering the pH, and the corrosion of calcium carbonate shells of organisms on the bottom of the food chain. And extend this discussion to how these chemical reactions driven by raising CO2 can affect the entire ecosystem (since it impacts the organisms on the bottom of the food chain, it also impacts everyone from bottom up), and how it can threaten the fishery industry. Another direct impact of ocean acidification is the damage to coral reefs. The question can be how raising CO2 is impacting the global marine biogeochemistry.

If you are in college, then definitely do a topic on geoengineering. The question would be something along the line of "is it necessary now? And how should we conduct geoengineering ethnically? This could be a cool topic (to potentially impress your professor) since your peers would be talking about cutting carbon emissions and how it will save the planet; while you can cite the IPCC working group 1 report, and point out the extremely long CO2 residence time in the atmosphere, then emphasize that cutting emission is not the same as cutting concentration. The CO2-derived warming can continue for decades and centuries even if we stop all forms of carbon emission right now.

Why not try and give an even argument. Co2 emissions are probably the most common thing that suposedly drives climate change. The theory has crumbling foundations. During the ice age Co2 in the atmosphere was at its highest and yet the temperature was at its lowest. In medieval times the temperature was extremely high and yet there was no production. During the Post War Boom Co2 emissions were growing at their fastest rate and yet the temperature doped. I believe the only reason the theory has been kept alive is because behind it is a multimillion pound industry. Most scientist on the environmental section of the UN are politician! If the theory collapses millions will lose their jobs.

Try looking at alternative arguments (there's lots of good stuff on YouTube)

Hope this helps.

Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) is a multi-donor trust fund for climate change. The featured article in this issue of the newsletter, Bangladesh: the emerging hot spot where climate threats and action meet, explores a June 2013 World Bank report, Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience. This newsletter also inlcudes the following headings: Putting local communities at the forefront of climate resilience; and Sheltering from Mahasen: preparing for the future.

You are researching on the hole in the ozone layer because it is related to the climate change.

I have an assignment due in a week and I need to create a research topic on climate change plus I need to formulate research questions based on the topic chosen. So any ideas?