> Is America using HAARP to weaponize the Weather, and if so, can it prevent Hurricanes elsewhere in the World?

Is America using HAARP to weaponize the Weather, and if so, can it prevent Hurricanes elsewhere in the World?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
India is going through Hell with a Category 5 Cyclone. Maybe HAARP can help.

Yes we have used HAARP as a weapon . No it can not at this time stop a storm , but it can make a storm much bigger

Did you know 'that' specific cyclone in India has generated more "natural" activity (energy) as one event than humans have caused in all of our lifetimes? Try and explain that to a warmunist. I've been on this site for a short time and am coming to an understanding that humans are lazy. Global Warming inhibits the progression of people in general. "It's too hot outside so let's sit on our a$$es and complain about people who are progressing forward!

Cyclones are events in the Pacific. They call them hurricanes in the Atlantic.

They would need a power source comparable to the amount of energy the Sun sends to Earth to stop India's Cyclone.

HAARP does not affect the weather, that's conspiracy that has no basis in reality.

"can it prevent Hurricanes elsewhere in the World?"

In theory yes. It depends on whether the Reptilians , in their moon base , decide if they want this

I wish it were that easy. No HAARP is not that powerful, that we know of.

NO. Radio signals are not powerful enough to modify the weather and those things that could modify weather or climate are very dangerous to use.

It is not possible to harmonize weather so easily...china few years back tried to do it and there was a disaster in the country.


India is going through Hell with a Category 5 Cyclone. Maybe HAARP can help.